Setting a power door lock switch to the LOCK position provides an input signal to the body control module (PZM) on one of the following circuits:^ CKT 780 (RED/BLK)
^ CKT 244 (LT BLU)
The switch grounds a terminal on the PZM through the following circuits:
^ CKT 51 (BLK/WHT)
^ CKT 151 (BLK/WHT)
The PZM provides an output on CKT 195 (LT BLU). This condition grounds the lock coil of the power door lock relay. With voltage applied to the lock coil, the power door lock relay energizes. This condition provides power from the CONVENIENCE fuse to the door lock actuators through the closed relay contacts and CKT 295 (GRY). The door lock actuators lock the doors because they are grounded. The door lock actuators are grounded at G401 through the following components:
^ CKT 294 (TAN)
^ CKT 1250 (BLK)
^ The UNLOCK relay contacts
The left door lock actuator is grounded at G401 through the following components:
^ CKT 694 (TAN)
^ CKT 1250 (BLK)
^ The LT door UNLOCK relay