Scan Tool Data Definitions
Module Information - PROM ID: This displays the 4 - digit number of the PROM incorporated into the driver door module (DDM).Module Information - Master Flash ROM ID: This displays the calibration or program revision level used in the Master ROM.
Slave Flash ROM ID: This displays the calibration or program revision level used in the Slave ROM.
Module Information - Julian Date Of Build: This displays the day of the year the module was built. Module Information - Year Module Built: This displays the 4-digit year of build.
Module Information - 8-Digit GM Part Number: This displays the part number for the Vehicle Interface Unit (VIU).
Module Information - Component Serial # 8 - 11: This is the first partition of the serial number.
Module Information - Component Serial # 12: This is the second partition of the serial number.
Module Information - Component Serial # 13 - 16: This is the third partition of the serial number.
Module Information - Component Serial # 17 - 18: This is the last partition of the serial number.
GPS Information - Second: Gives second of current time as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Hour: Gives hour of current time as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Day: Gives current day as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Month: Gives current month as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Year: Gives current year as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Minute: Gives current minute as transmitted by GPS satellites.
GPS Information - Latitude: Gives current position (N/S) as calculated from GPS satellite information.
GPS information - Longitude: Gives current position (E/W) as calculated from GPS satellite information.