Parking Brake System: Service and Repair
Park Brake Pedal Assembly ReplacementRemoval Procedure
1. Raise and suitably support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Ensure the park brake pedal is in the full returned position.
3. Pull down on the front park brake cable.
4. Remove the cable (3) from the cable connector (1).
5. Lower the vehicle.
6. Remove the left closeout/insulator.
7. Remove the left knee bolster.
8. Remove the left carpet retainer.
9. Pull back the carpet.
10. Remove the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts (1 , 2).
11. Position the park brake pedal assembly away from the mounting studs.
12. Disconnect the electrical connector from the park brake lever.
13. Remove the front park brake cable from the park brake pedal assembly.
14. Remove the park brake pedal assembly.
Installation Procedure
1. Connect the electrical connectors to the park brake pedal assembly.
2. Connect the front park brake cable to the park brake pedal assembly.
3. Install the park brake pedal assembly into the vehicle.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions
4. Install the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts (1, 2) to the vehicle.
Tighten the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts to 24 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
5. Raise the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
6. Reconnect the front park brake cable (3) to the cable connector (1).
7. Lower the vehicle.
8. If installing a new park brake pedal assembly, you must remove the park brake pedal and cable set pins (1, 2).
^ To set the park brake pedal, rotate the pedal tension pin (1) down and pull sideways to remove the pedal tension release pin.
^ To set the park brake cable tension, pull down and twist the cable tension release pin (2) to remove the park brake cable tension pin.
9. Twist and pull down on the tension release pins, to set the park brake cable system tension.
10. Install the left knee bolster.
11. Install the left closeout/insulator.
12. Install the left carpet retainer.