Keypad Buttons
Clear Key (CLR): Press CLR to clear the entered number in the event of an error. This does not affect the stored numbers in memory.Send (SND): Press SND to initiate a call to the entered telephone number or to answer an incoming call.
End: Press END to terminate a call. This will also end the memory stroll mode.
Power Key (PWR): Press PWR until you hear a tone to turn the phone ON. Press PWR until a tone is heard again to turn the phone OFF.
Store Key (STO): Press STO and the location number (01-99) to store telephone numbers into any of the 100 memory locations. It can also be used to confirm personalized locations.
Recall Key (RCL): Press RCL and the location number (1 -99) to recall and display telephone numbers stored in the memory.
Numeric Pad (0 - 9,*,#): Press 0 - 9,*,# to enter the telephone numbers. Enter numbers prior to initiating a call.
Function Key (FCN): Press FCN to activate the following features of the mobile telephone:
^ Volume
^ In Service Use
^ Current Time Usage
^ Telephone Personalization
Voice Recognition: Press VR to allow entry into the voice recognition mode.
M1: Press M1 for one touch dialing. A number can be stored in this location and dialed directly.
Volume Control: The Volume Control adjusts audio from the following phone components:
^ The keypad
^ The speaker
^ The earpiece
^ Volume control is also used to scroll through the memory and feature menu.