Park Brake
Park Brake Warning Lamp Switch ReplacementRemoval Procedure
1. Remove the left closeout/insulator.
2. Remove the left knee bolster.
3. Remove the left front carpet retainer.
4. Remove the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts (1, 2).
5. Position the park brake pedal assembly away from the mounting studs.
6. Disconnect the electrical connector from the park brake warning lamp switch.
7. Remove park brake warning lamp switch mounting bolt.
8. Remove park brake warning lamp switch.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the park brake warning lamp switch to the park brake lever assembly. Align the pin to the locator hole.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
2. Install the park brake warning lamp switch mounting bolt.
^ Tighten the park brake warning lamp switch mounting bolt to 1.9 Nm (17 inch lbs.).
3. Install the park brake pedal assembly to the mounting studs.
4. Install the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts (1, 2).
^ Tighten the park brake pedal assembly mounting nuts to 24 Nm (18 ft. lbs.).
5. Connect the electrical connector to the park brake warning lamp switch.
6. Install the left knee bolster.
7. Install the left closeout/insulator.
8. Install the left carpet retainer.