Exterior Moulding / Trim: Service and Repair
Adhesive Retained Molding and Emblem Description
Notice: Use of harsh chemicals when cleaning can damage exterior lamps. Suggested cleaners are a mild soap and water, or Varnish Makers and Painters (VM&P) Naptha. VM&P Naptha is a specific type of naptha and should not be substituted by any other naptha.
The following components are attached to the body panels with adhesive tape:
* The body side moldings
* The emblems
* The name plates
In order to ensure a good replacement of new or old moldings, emblems and name plates, take the following precautions:
* Warm the panel surface to between 21-32°C (70-90°F).
* Clean the panels.
* Remove any wax or oily film.
The following methods for attachment are listed:
* Replacement moldings
* Replacement emblems
* Replacement nameplates