Turn Signals: Description and Operation
TURN SIGNAL/HAZARD FLASHER LAMPSThe TSIG/HAZ fuse in the rear fuse block supplies battery positive voltage to the flasher module. The module is part of the hazard switch assembly. The flasher module has ground at G201. The turn signal lamps may only be activated with the ignition switch in the ON or START position. The IGN-1 fuse in the rear fuse block supplies battery positive voltage to the turn signal switch. When the turn signal switch is placed in either the left or right position, current flows from the turn signal switch assembly to the flasher module. The flasher module then sends an on-off voltage signal to either the left or right turn signals and the appropriate IPC indicator. When the IPC receives an input from either of the turn signals it starts to track vehicle mileage. When the IPC has determine that the vehicle has traveled over 1.6 km (1 mi) with 1 of the turn signals continuously engaged, it shall display the DIC message Turn Signal On and request the appropriate chime to notify the driver. The left turn signals have ground at G401 and at G402. The right turn signals have ground at G401.
The hazard flashers may be activated in any power mode. The hazard flasher switch is permanently grounded through G200. When the driver turns ON the hazard flasher switch the contacts in the switch close, grounding the hazard switch input circuit of the turn signal/hazard flasher module. The turn signal/hazard flasher module then supplies battery voltage to all four turn signal lamps and IPC in an ON and OFF duty cycle. This illuminates the turn signal lamps in the same manner as explained above. When a THEFT is occurring, the DIM provides a ground to the turn signal/hazard flasher module hazard input. This allows the hazard lamps to flash during theft detection.
The repeater lamps are on export vehicles only. Each lamp is located in the front fender. The repeater lamps are used as additional turn signal lamps, and operate as described in the Turn Signal/Hazard Flasher Lamps description. The repeater lamps have ground at G104.