Rear Axle - Disassemble
Rear Axle - DisassembleTools Required
^ DT-47595 Bearing Cup Remover
^ J24433 Pinion Cone and Side Bearing Installer
^ J25070 Heat Gun
^ J45124 Removal Bridge
1. Remove the bearing carrier bolts from the pinion cage.
2. Using the J25070, heat around the pinion bearing cage to ease pinion removal.
3. Place 2 bolts in the jackscrew holes (1) and (2).
4. Tighten the bolts equally to push out the pinion bearing cage assembly.
5. Remove the pinion cage assembly (1), shims (2) and O-ring seal (3) from the differential carrier.
Important: Mark or tag the shims for reassembly.
6. Remove the 9 carrier cover bolts (6).
7. Using the pry tabs (4, 5, 7), remove the carrier cover (3) from the differential carrier (1).
8. Remove the O-ring seal (2) from the cover (3).
9. Remove the differential assembly (2) from the carrier (1).
10. Remove the axle oil seal (1) from the carrier cover (2) using J24433 and hammer from inside the cover.
11. Install the DT-47595 (2) into the bearing cup.
12. Tighten the spreader bolt in order to lock the tool into the cup.
13. Install the J45124 (1) over the DT-47595 (2) with the center bolt.
14. Tighten the center bolt and remove the cup and shim.
Important: Mark or tag the shim and cup cover.
15. Remove the axle oil seal from the carrier using J24433 and hammer. Drive out the seal.
16. Install the J45008 (2) behind the bearing cup (3).
17. Place the carrier in a press.
Important: Mark or tag the shim and the race carrier.
18. Place J24433 (1) against J45008 (2) and press out the cup.