Cylinder Block Assembly: Specifications
BlockCylinder Head Deck Height - Measuring from the Centerline of Crankshaft to the Deck Face 234.57-234.82 mm (9.235-9.245 inch)
Cylinder Head Deck Surface Flatness - Measured within a 152.4 mm ((6.0 inch) Area 0.11 mm (0.004 inch)
Cylinder Head Deck Surface Flatness - Measuring the Overall Length of the Block Deck 0.22 mm (0.008 inch)
Connecting Rod
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance - Production 0.023-0.065 mm (0.0009-0.0025 inch)
Connecting Rod Bearing Clearance - Service 0.023-0.076 mm (0.0009-0.003 inch)
Connecting Rod Bore Diameter - Bearing End 56.505-56.525 mm ( 2.224-2.225 inch)
Connecting Rod Bore Out-of-Round - Bearing End - Production 0.004-0.008 mm (0.00015-0.0003 inch)
Connecting Rod Bore Out-of-Round - Bearing End - Service 0.004-0.008 mm (0.00015-0.0003 inch)
Connecting Rod Side Clearance 0.11-0.51 mm (0.00433-0.02 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Diameter - Production 53.318-53.338 mm (2.0991-2.0999 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Diameter - Service 53.308 mm (2.0987 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Out-of-Round - Production 0.005 mm ( 0.0002 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Out-of-Round - Service 0.01 mm (0.0004 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Taper - Maximum for 1/2 of Journal Length - Production 0.005 mm (0.0002 inch)
Connecting Rod Journal Taper - Maximum for 1/2 of Journal Length - Service 0.02 mm (0.00078 inch)
Crankshaft End Play 0.04-0.2 mm (0.0015-0.0078 inch)
Crankshaft Main Bearing Clearance - Production 0.02-0.052 mm (0.0008-0.0021 inch)
Crankshaft Main Bearing Clearance - Service 0.02-0.065 mm (0.0008-0.0025 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter - Production 64.992-65.008 mm (2.558-2.559 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter - Service 64.992 mm (2.558 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Out-of-Round - Production 0.003 mm (0.000118 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Out-of-Round - Service 0.008 mm (0.0003 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Taper - Production 0.01 mm (0.0004 inch)
Crankshaft Main Journal Taper - Service 0.02 mm (0.00078 inch)
Crankshaft Rear Flange Runout 0.05 mm (0.002 inch)
Crankshaft Reluctor Ring Runout - Measured 1.0 mm ((0.04 inch) Below Tooth Diameter 0.7 mm (0.028 inch)
Crankshaft Thrust Surface - Production 26.14-26.22 mm (1.029-1.0315 inch)
Crankshaft Thrust Surface - Service 26.22 mm (1.0315 inch)
Crankshaft Thrust Surface Runout 0.025 mm (0.001 inch)
Piston Rings
Piston Ring End Gap - First Compression Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Production 0.20-0.41 mm (0.008-0.016 inch)
Piston Ring End Gap - First Compression Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Service 0.20-0.41 mm (0.008-0.016 inch)
Piston Ring End Gap - Second Compression Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Production 0.37-0.69 mm (0.015-0.027 inch)
Piston Ring End Gap - Second Compression Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Service 0.37-0.69 mm (0.015-0.027 inch)
Piston Ring End Gap - Oil Control Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Production 0.22-0.79 mm (0.009-0.031 inch)
Piston Ring End Gap - Oil Control Ring - Measured inch) Cylinder Bore - Service 0.22-0.79 mm (0.009-0.031 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - First Compression Ring - Production 0.030-0.10 mm (0.0012-0.0040 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - First Compression Ring - Service 0.030-0.10 mm (0.0012-0.0040 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - Second Compression Ring - Production 0.035-0.078 mm (0.0014-0.0031 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - Second Compression Ring - Service 0.035-0.078 mm (0.0014-0.0031 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - Oil Control Ring - Production 0.013-0.201 mm (0.0005-0.0079 inch)
Piston Ring to Groove Clearance - Oil Control Ring - Service 0.013-0.201 mm (0.0005-0.0079 inch)
Pistons and Pins
Pin - Piston Pin Clearance to Piston Pin Bore - Production 0.002-0.01 mm (0.0008-0.0004 inch)
Pin - Piston Pin Clearance to Piston Pin Bore - Service 0.002-0.015 mm (0.0008-0.0006 inch)
Pin - Piston Pin Diameter 23.952-23.955 mm (0.943-0.943 inch)
Pin - Piston Pin Fit inch) Connecting Rod Bore - Production 0.007-0.02 mm (0.00027-0.00078 inch)
Pin - Piston Pin Fit inch) Connecting Rod Bore - Service 0.007-0.0022 mm (0.00027-0.00086 inch)
Piston - Piston Diameter - Measured Over Skirt Coating 101.611-101.642 mm (4.0-4.001 inch)
Piston - Piston to Bore Clearance - Production -0.022-0.08 mm (-0.0009-0.0012 inch)
Piston - Piston to Bore Clearance - Service Limit with Skirt Coating Worn Off 0.024-0.08 mm (0.00094-0.0031 inch)
Connecting Rod Bolts - First Pass 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
Connecting Rod Bolts - Final Pass 75 degrees
Crankshaft Bearing Cap M10 Bolts - First Pass in Sequence 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
Crankshaft Bearing Cap M10 Bolts - Final Pass in Sequence 80 degrees
Crankshaft Bearing Cap M10 Studs - First Pass in Sequence 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
Crankshaft Bearing Cap M10 Studs - Final Pass in Sequence 51 degrees
Crankshaft Bearing Cap M8 Bolts 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
Crankshaft Balancer Bolt - Installation Pass to Ensure the Balancer is Completely Installed 330 Nm (240 ft. lbs.)
Crankshaft Balancer Bolt - First Pass - Install a NEW Bolt After the Installation Pass and Tighten as Described in the First and Final Passes 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.)