Alternator: Service and Repair
Generator Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the radiator.
3. Remove the drive belt.
4. Disconnect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (5) from the generator.
5. Reposition the starter solenoid cable protective boot (1) at the generator.
6. Remove the generator terminal nut (2).
7. Remove the starter solenoid cable terminal (3) from the generator.
8. Remove the generator bolts.
9. Reposition the engine ground cable.
10. Remove the generator.
Installation Procedure
1. Position the generator to the engine.
2. Install the generator bolts finger tight in the following sequence.
1. Upper bolt
2. Side bolt
3. Lower bolt
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice.
3. Tighten the generator bolts.
Tighten the bolts to 50 N.m (37 lb ft).
4. Install the starter solenoid cable terminal (3) to the generator.
5. Install the generator terminal nut (2).
Tighten the nut to 12 N.m (106 lb in).
6. Position the starter solenoid cable protective boot (1) at the generator.
7. Connect the engine wiring harness electrical connector (5) to the generator.
8. Install the drive belt.
9. Install the radiator.
10. Connect the negative battery cable.