Lower Control Valve Body Assembly Removal
Lower Control Valve Body Assembly Removal
1. Remove the nine 10 mm bolts (534) from the oil transfer plate (956) and wire harness assembly (943).
2. Remove the oil transfer plate (956).
3. Disconnect the wire harness extension (943) from the wire harness assembly (12).
Important: Do not reuse retainer (915), it must be replaced.
4. Use a small screwdriver in order to disconnect the manual valve link retainer (915) from the manual valve link (913).
Important: Do not pry against the internal mode switch assembly.
5. Lift the manual valve and link assembly link (916) out of the inside detent lever (17).
6. Remove the two 10 mm nuts (955) and the fourteen 10 mm bolts (958) from the lower control valve body assembly (903).
7. Lift the lower channel plate, control valve body and accumulator assembly (903) and the lower control valve body wire harness extension (943) from the case as a single unit.