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Engine: Application and ID

Engine Identification

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Derivative is located on the right rear side of the engine block (1) and is a nine digit number stamped or laser etched onto the engine at the vehicle assembly plant. If reading the identification number the following information can be obtained:

* The first digit identifies the vehicle division.
* The second digit is the model year.
* The third digit identifies the assembly plant.
* The fourth through ninth digits are the last six digits of the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

Engine Unit Number

The engine unit number label (1) is placed on the right camshaft cover at the front of the engine.

Supercharger Identification

The supercharger identification label (1) is located on the left side of the supercharger unit. It is attached to the bearing plate that is between the front housing and the supercharger base. The following information is printed on the label:

* Barcode
* Part number
* Serial number