Interior - Door Lock Lever Bezel Loose Or Detached
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 09-08-110-011B
Date: May 06, 2011
Subject: Front or Rear Door Lock Lever Bezel Loose or Detached (Replace Bezel)
2008-2011 Cadillac CTS, CTS-V
This bulletin is being revised to add the 2011 model year. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 09-08-110-011A (Section 08 - Body and Accessories).
Some customers may comment that the trim (bezel) around the manual lock lever located on the door panel near the window is loose or has become detached.
This condition may be caused by a weakening of the heat stake tab fastening the bezel to the trim panel.
Do not replace the door trim panel assembly. Replace only the bezel.
1. Remove the affected door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement or Rear Side Door Trim Panel Replacement in SI.
2. Prepare the mounting area of the trim panel. Use a utility knife or similar tool to remove the residue from the original bezel heat stake. Use care to not damage the mounting area on the trim panel.
3. Clean the mounting surfaces of trim panel and the bezel. Be sure to follow the adhesive manufacturer's procedure.
4. Position the new bezel onto the trim panel. Use the impression in the soft outer trim surface for proper alignment.
5. Clamp the bezel into position on the trim panel as shown.
6. Apply the adhesive to the area where the bezel mounting tab protrudes through the opening in the trim panel. For this application, use a two-part extra-fast setting epoxy, such as Hardman Double/Bubble Extra Fast Setting Epoxy*, or the equivalent.
7. Allow the adhesive to fully cure per the manufacturer's instructions.
8. Trim the excess mounting tab material to prevent interference when reinstalling the trim panel.
9. Reinstall the affected door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement or Rear Side Door Trim Panel Replacement in SI.
10. With the trim panel reinstalled, verify the operation of the lock lever.
* We believe this source and their products to be reliable. There may be additional manufacturers of such products/materials. General Motors does not endorse, indicate any preference for, or assume any responsibility for the products or material from this firm or for any such items that may be available from other sources.
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