Distance Sensor: Adjustments
Distance Sensing Cruise Control Aiming
Tools Required
BO-47670 Distance Sensing Cruise Control (DSCC) Aiming Tool
DSCC Aiming Set Up Procedure
1. Prior to aiming the DSCC , the following steps must be taken:
* Align the wheels, if necessary, before aiming the DSCC.
* Inflate the tires to the proper pressure.
* The vehicle must have a full tank of gas.
* If any service has been performed on the vehicle, make sure that all of the components are back in their original place.
* Remove any snow, ice or mud from the vehicle.
* Stop all other work on the vehicle.
* Do not load any cargo in the vehicle.
* Remove the upper front bumper fascia grille. Refer to Radiator Upper Grille Replacement (STS) (Service and Repair)Radiator Upper Grille Replacement (STS-V) (Service and Repair).
2. The area needed for aiming of the distance sensing cruise control (DSCC) will consist of a vertical wall and a level surface 8 m (26 ft 2 in) in length (a), 3 m (9 ft 9 in) in width (b), and 2 m (6 ft 6 in) in height (c).
3. Place the vehicle so the DSCC module is approximately 6 m (19 ft 7 in) from the vertical wall (a), rock the vehicle to stabilize the suspension, and center the steering wheel.
4. Mark two points (a, b) on the left side of the rear window glass from the roof sheet metal using an erasable marker or chalk. Measure the same distances on the opposite side from the roof sheet metal and draw two lines across the rear window glass connecting points a and b.
5. Measure the center points of lines a and b and draw a new, dashed line vertically through the center of the rear glass (c, d).
6. Repeat this procedure on the front glass to find the center point of the windshield.
7. Hold BO-47670 steady at the rear glass and turn the tool on. Shine the laser beam through the vertical lines drawn on the front and rear glass to the wall.
Important: Use a long carpenter's level to draw a straight line from this point to the floor.
8. Have a partner mark the wall where the laser beam appears. This is the true center line of the vehicle.
Important: Do not disturb the vehicle in any way after this point.
9. Using the floor as a reference, measure the height from the floor to the center point of the radar face.
Important: The cross hairs will be the point the radar unit is aimed to.
10. On the vertical wall measure the same distance measured in step 9 from the floor up the line created in step 8 and make cross hairs.
DSCC Aiming Procedure
Important: If a test drive is needed it is preferred that it be conducted on the freeway and the driver should keep a distance of at least 50 m (164 ft) behind the tracking target.
1. Turn the ignition completely off.
2. Install BO-47670 to the front of the DSCC module (3).
3. Check that the spring tension rods are installed in the proper position and that all three legs on BO-47670 are touching the ACC housing before continuing.
4. Turn the laser beam on.
5. Adjust the horizontal aim screw (2) and vertical aim screw (4) of the DSCC module until the laser beam is in the center of the cross hairs on the vertical wall.
6. Turn off the laser beam and remove BO-47670 .
7. Install a scan tool.
8. Turn ON the ignition, with the engine OFF.
9. With the scan tool, perform the Factory Reset for the DSCC module in the Body, Distance Sensing Cruise Control Special Functions or Vehicle Control Systems, Module Setup.
10. Install the grille and front compartment sight shields. Refer to Radiator Upper Grille Replacement (STS) (Service and Repair)Radiator Upper Grille Replacement (STS-V) (Service and Repair).