Capacity Specifications
FRONT AXLE FLUID CAPACITYDrain and Fill 0.7 liters (0.74 quarts)
Drain and Fill (with drain plug)
With Differential Oil Cooler 1.41 liters (1.5 quarts)
Without Differential Oil Cooler 1.10 liters (1.16 quarts)
Drain and Fill (with side cover removed)
With Limited Slip Differential 1.20 liters (1.26 quarts)
Without Limited Slip Differential 1.30 liters (1.37 quarts)
With Limited Slip & Differential Oil Cooler 1.51 liters (1.6 quarts)
Important: The following is for vehicles equipped with the Limited Slip Differential option. The Limited Slip Additive container capacity is greater than the amount needed. Only add the amount specified.
Additive Drain and Fill
With cover removed 100 ml (3.38 oz)
With use of drain plug 70 ml (2.37 oz)
NOTE: All capacities are approximate. When adding, be sure to fill to the approximate level. Recheck fluid level after filling.