OnStar Description and Operation
This OnStar(R) system consists of the following components:
* Telematics communication interface control module
* OnStar(R) three button assembly
* Microphone
* Cellular antenna
* Navigation antenna
* Back up battery (If equipped)
This system also interfaces with the factory installed vehicle audio system.
Telematics Communication Interface Control Module
The telematics communication interface control module is a cellular device that allows the user to communicate data and voice signals over the national cellular network. Power is provided by a dedicated, fused B+ circuit. Ground is provided through the vehicle wiring harness attached to the module. The ignition state is determined by the telematics communication interface control module through serial data messaging.
Dedicated circuits are used to connect the telematics communication interface control module to a microphone, the button assembly, and to command the status LED. The telematics communication interface control module communicates with the rest of the vehicle over the serial data bus.
The module houses 2 technology systems, one to process GPS data, and another for cellular information. The cellular system connects the OnStar(R) system to the cellular carrier's communication system by interacting with the national cellular infrastructure. The module sends and receives all cellular communications over the cellular antenna and cellular antenna coax. GPS satellites orbiting earth are constantly transmitting signals of their current location. The OnStar(R) system uses the GPS signals to provide location on demand.
The module also has the capability of activating the horn, initiating door lock/unlock, or activating the exterior lamps using the serial data circuits. These functions can be commanded by the OnStar(R) Call Center per a customer request.
OnStar(R) Three Button Assembly
The OnStar(R) button assembly may be part of the rearview mirror, or a separate, stand alone unit. The button assembly is comprised of 3 buttons and a status LED. The buttons are defined as follows:
* The answer/end call button, which is black with a white phone icon, allows the user to answer and end calls or initiate speech recognition.
* The blue OnStar(R) call center button, which displays the OnStar(R) logo, allows the user to connect to the OnStar(R) call center.
* The emergency button, which displays a white cross with a red background, sends a high priority emergency call to the OnStar(R) call center when pressed.
The telematics communication interface control module supplies 10 volts to the OnStar(R) button assembly on the keypad supply voltage circuit. When pressed, each button completes a circuit across a resistor allowing a specific voltage to be returned to the telematics communication interface control module on the keypad signal circuit. Depending upon the voltage range returned the telematics communication interface control module is able to identify which button has been pressed.
The OnStar(R) status LED is located with the button assembly. The LED is green when the system is ON and operating normally. When the status LED is green and flashing, it is an indication that a call is in progress. When the LED is red, this indicates a system malfunction is present. In the event there is a system malfunction and the OnStar(R) system is still able to make a call, the LED will flash red during the call.
If the LED does not illuminate, this may indicate that the customers OnStar(R) subscription is not active or has expired. Push the blue OnStar button to connect to an advisor who can then verify the account status.
Each LED is controlled by the telematics communication interface control module over dedicated LED signal circuits. Ground for the LED is provided by the wiring harness attached to the button assembly.
Secondary OnStar(R) Controls
Some vehicles may have an additional button that when pushed can engage the OnStar(R) system. The button may be a symbol of a face with sound waves, or may say MUTE, or be a symbol of a radio speaker with a slash through it.
By engaging the OnStar(R) system with this feature, the user can interact with the system by use of voice commands. A complete list of these commands is supplied in the information provided to the customer. If the information is not available for reference, at any command prompt the user can say "HELP" and the telematics communication interface control module will return an audible list of available commands.
OnStar(R) Microphone
The OnStar(R), or cellular microphone, can be a part of the rearview mirror assembly, or on some vehicle lines, a separate, stand alone unit. In either case, the telematics communication interface control module supplies approximately 10 volts to the microphone on the cellular microphone signal circuit, and voice data from the user is sent back to the telematics communication interface control module over the same circuit. A cellular microphone low reference circuit or a drain wire provides a ground for the microphone.
Cellular and GPS Antennas
This vehicle will be equipped with one of the following types of antennas:
* A combination cellular and navigation antenna, which brings the functions of both into a single part
* A cellular, GPS, and digital radio receiver antenna, which also incorporates the functionality of the digital radio receiver satellite antenna (XM).
* A cellular, GPS, and digital radio receiver antenna, which also incorporates the AM/FM antenna.
The cellular antenna is the component that allows the OnStar(R) system to send and receive data over airwaves by means of cellular technology. The antenna is connected at the base to a coax cable that plugs directly into the telematics communication interface control module.
The GPS antenna is used to collect the signals of the orbiting GPS satellites. Within the antenna is housed a low noise amplifier that allows for a more broad and precise reception of this data. The antenna is connected at the base to a coax cable that plugs directly into the telematics communication interface control module. The cable also provides a path for DC current for powering the antenna.
The OnStar(R) Call Center also has the capability of communicating with the vehicle during an OnStar(R) call to retrieve the latest GPS location and transmit it to the OnStar(R) Call Center. A history location of the last recorded position of the vehicle is stored in the module and marked as aged, for as long as the module power is not removed. Actual GPS location may take up to 10 minutes to register in the event of a loss of power.
OnStar(R) RemoteLink
OnStar(R) RemoteLink is a mobile app to link mobile devices to a vehicle for limited diagnostics and feature controls. After downloading the app and registering the device, vehicle owners with an eligible vehicle can use their mobile devices to access real-time data from their vehicle and perform specific commands remotely.
All communication between the app and the vehicle is powered by OnStar's(R) advanced connected vehicle technology. An active OnStar(R) account as well as a valid OnStar(R) username and password are required to use the app. The remote commands must be enabled by logging into the user's OnStar(R) account prior to using the app.
Vehicle Control Features
* Lock/Unlock doors
* Start vehicle remotely
* Activate your Horn & Lights
* Contact an OnStar Advisor, Roadside Assistance or your Preferred Dealer
Available Vehicle Data:
* Real-time fuel information, including fuel range, fuel remaining, and lifetime MPG
* Lifetime mileage
* Remaining oil life
* Current tire pressure information
* OnStar(R) account information
Compass Heading
The telematics communication interface module has a compass feature to calculate vehicle direction which is displayed via the instrument panel cluster or designated display. The compass heading is determined by dead reckoning until the GPS 3d fix is established. The dead reckoning is accomplished by using the yaw rate sensors and wheel ticks to determine heading changes from a GPS known heading. The GPS 3d fix heading is determined by the deferential of two locations.
Back-up Battery (If Equipped)
Important: Do not disconnect the main vehicle battery or remove the OnStar(R) fuse with the ignition key in any position other than OFF. Disconnecting power to the OnStar(R) module in any way while the ignition is ON or with retained accessory power activated may cause activation of the OnStar(R) Back-Up Battery. This action is per design as the back-up battery is designed to provide power to the telematics communication interface control module so an emergency notification call can be made after an event where the main battery is disabled. Once the Back-Up Battery is activated it will stay on until the power is restored back to the telematics communication interface control module. The telematics communication interface control module naturally chooses the main supply voltage as it's default supply, but if the main supply is removed or lost for any reason the OnStar(R) module will use the Back-Up Battery as a power supply as long as the default supply can not be detected. The back-up battery is not rechargeable and once discharged below 9.5 volts the back-up battery must be replaced.
Certain OnStar(R) equipped vehicles may also be equipped with a back-up battery. The back-up battery is a non-rechargeable, lithium battery intended to provide an auxiliary power source for the telematics communication interface control module in the event where power from the main vehicle battery is lost.
The back-up battery is intended to have a limited life span of approximately 4 years and is designed to maintain an open circuit voltage between 16 V and 9 V throughout this period. This allows the battery to power the basic functions of the telematics communication interface control module for least one 200 second (5 minute) call at the end of the 4 year span, should the main vehicle battery be lost. In the case of a vehicle losing vehicle battery power, OnStar will switch over to the backup battery based on an internal algorithm. It will look for an air-bag deploy, or near-deploy, messages from the SDM. If there are no messages the OnStar module will stay wake for a few minutes longer and monitor the buttons in the mirror. If not pressed, the modules will power down and shut off completely.
The back-up battery is connected to the telematics communication interface control module through the back-up battery positive voltage circuit and back-up battery ground circuit and is protected from a short circuit by means of an internal fuse. In the event the back-up battery, battery positive voltage circuit is shorted to the back-up battery ground circuit or chassis ground, the fuse will open and render the back-up battery permanently inoperable. The status of the back-up battery and its associated wiring is monitored by the telematics communication interface control module.
Audio System Interface
When the OnStar(R) requires audio output, a serial data message is sent to the audio system to mute all radio functions and transmit OnStar(R) originated audio. The OnStar(R) audio is transmitted to the vehicle audio system by a dedicated signal circuit and a low reference circuit.
The audio system will mute and an audible ring will be heard though the speakers if the vehicle receives a call with the radio ON.
On some vehicles, the HVAC blower speed may be reduced when the OnStar(R) system is active to aid in reducing interior noise. When the system is no longer active, the blower speed will return to its previous setting.
OnStar(R) Sleep Cycle
The OnStar(R) system uses a unique sleep cycle to allow the system to receive cellular calls while the ignition is in the OFF position and retained accessory power mode has ended. This cycle enables the telematics communication interface control module to perform remote functions, such as door unlock, as commanded over the air by the OnStar(R) Call Center, and to continue to maintain an acceptable level of battery electrical drain.
The OnStar(R) system uses 4 states of readiness, depending upon the type of cellular market the vehicle is in when the ignition is put into the OFF state:
* High power
* Low power
* Sleep
* Digital standby
The high power state is in effect whenever the ignition is in the ON or RUN position, or retained accessory power is enabled, and the OnStar(R) system is sending or receiving calls or when the system is performing a remote function.
The low power state is in effect when the OnStar(R) system is idle with the ignition in the ON or RUN position, or with retained accessory power enabled.
The sleep state is entered after the vehicle has been shut off and the retained accessory power has timed out while in an analog cellular area. At a predetermined time recorded within the telematics communication interface control module, the system re-enters the low power state to listen for a call from the OnStar(R) Call Center for 1 minute. After this interval, the system will again return to the sleep state for 9 minutes. If a call is sent during the 1 minute interval, the OnStar(R) system will receive the call and immediately go into the high power mode to perform any requested functions. If no call is received during the 1 minute interval, the system will go back into the sleep mode for another 9 minutes. This process will continue for up to 48 hours, after which the OnStar(R) system will turn off until the ignition is turned to the ON or RUN position.
The digital standby power state is entered after the vehicle has been shut off and the retained accessory power has timed out while in a digital cellular area. When in digital standby mode, the OnStar(R) module is able to perform all remote functions as commanded by an OnStar(R) advisor at any time, for a continuous 120 hours. After 120 hours, the OnStar(R) module will go into sleep mode until a wake up signal from the vehicle is seen by the telematics communication interface control module. If the OnStar module loses the digital cellular signal it will revert to analog mode and follow the standard sleep state (9 minutes OFF, 1 minute standby) based on the time of the GPS signals, this will continue until a digital cellular signal is again received.
If the OnStar(R) system loses battery power while the system is in a standby or sleep mode, the system will remain OFF until battery power is restored and the ignition is turned to the ON or RUN position.
OnStar(R) Personal Calling
The hands free, OnStar(R) personal calling cellular phone feature is an additional feature of the OnStar(R) system. This feature is embedded within the telematics communication interface control module; however it must be activated by an OnStar(R) advisor. OnStar(R) personal calling operates similar to most hand held cellular phones in that the availability for its usage is based on minutes or units. The customer must have a current OnStar(R) subscription, as this feature cannot be utilized without it. To use OnStar(R) personal calling, the customer must also purchase units (minutes) as outlined in the owners guide provided with the OnStar(R) system. Units begin to deplete, 1 unit is equal to 1 minute, as the customer makes outbound phone calls, answers inbound phone calls, or while connected to the OnStar(R) virtual advisor. In addition, units may also have an expiration date, depending upon the type of units purchased.
Customers have the ability to store telephone numbers within the module, referenced by a nametag for the convenience of frequently dialed numbers. After storing a nametag, the user can dial this number by initiating the OnStar(R) personal calling feature, speaking the word "call," and repeating the nametag assigned.
Turn by Turn Navigation
Turn by Turn Navigation allows the driver to contact OnStar(R) to obtain directions for driving from a current location to a desired location. The Turn by Turn Navigation system stores your planned route and continually checks your position along that route, when you deviate from the planned route, the system will recognize this and prompt the driver with verbal prompts for how to proceed. The driver then responds verbally to direct the system to continue the current routing or to recalculate the route because of a missed turn.
Advisor Record Feature
The Advisor Record Feature allows the user to store any information given during a call with an OnStar(R) Advisor. Recording is activated by pressing the blue OnStar button during a call; pressing the button a second time stops the recording. The stored information can be played back by pressing the phone button on the three button assembly and using the voice command "Advisor Playback".
Deactivated OnStar(R) Accounts
In the event a customer has not renewed their OnStar(R) account after expiration or the account was never activated, OnStar(R) will make a discrete cellular call to the vehicle to deactivate the OnStar(R) system. Before taking this action, customers are notified that the OnStar(R) system in their vehicle will be deactivated unless they elect to renew the account. After the OnStar(R) account has been deactivated, customers will experience the following:
* The OnStar(R) status LED will not illuminate.
* The OnStar(R) system will NOT attempt to connect to the OnStar(R) Call Center in the event of a collision or if the vehicle's front air bags deploy for any other reason.
* An emergency button press will play a demo message indicating the service has been deactivated.
* An OnStar(R) Call Center button press will connect the customer with a dedicated sales team who can sell an OnStar(R) subscription and reactivate the vehicle. Depending on the type of OnStar(R) hardware in the vehicle, the customer may first hear a demonstration message stating there is no current OnStar(R) subscription for the vehicle, and directing the customer what to do to activate services.
* OnStar(R) personal calling will not be available, as this feature requires the customer to have a current OnStar(R) account. Attempts to use this feature may result in cellular connection failure messages and the inability to connect to the number dialed.
Certain vehicles that have never had an active OnStar(R) account, or that have been deactivated, may be unable to establish a connection with the OnStar(R) Call Center. When normal published diagnostic procedures do not indicate a possible cause for the no connect concern, the vehicle may have been deactivated. For deactivated vehicles, a no connect response should be considered normal operation. Further diagnosis and subsequent repair is only necessary should the customer elect to become an active OnStar(R) subscriber or renew the account subscription.
OnStar(R) Cellular, GPS, and Diagnostic Limitations
The proper operation of the OnStar(R) System is dependent on several elements outside the components integrated into the vehicle. These include the National Cellular Network Infrastructure, the cellular telephone carriers within the network, and the GPS.
The cellular operation of the OnStar(R) system may be inhibited by factors such as the users range from an analog or digital cellular tower, the state of the cellular carrier's equipment, and the location where the call is placed. Making an OnStar(R) key press in areas that lack sufficient cellular coverage or have a temporary equipment failure will result in either the inability of a call to complete with a data transfer or the complete inability to connect to the OnStar(R) Call Center. The OnStar(R) system may also experience connection issues if the identification numbers for the module, station identification number, electronic serial number or manufacturers electronic ID, are not recognized by the cellular carriers local signal receiving towers.
The satellites that orbit earth providing the OnStar system with GPS data have almost no failures associated with them. In the event of a no GPS concern, the failure will likely lie with the inability of the system to gain GPS signals because of its location, i.e. in a parking structure, hardware failure, or being mistaken with an OnStar(R) call which has reached the Call Center without vehicle data.
During diagnostic testing of the OnStar(R) system, the technician should ensure the vehicle is located in an area that has a clear unobstructed view of the open sky, and preferably, an area where analog or digital cellular calls have been successfully placed. These areas can be found by successfully making an OnStar(R) keypress in a known good OnStar(R) equipped vehicle and confirming success with the OnStar(R) Call Center advisor. Such places can be used as a permanent reference for future OnStar(R) testing.
Mobile Identification Number and Mobile Directory Number
The telematics communication interface control module utilizes 2 numbers for cellular device identification, call routing and connection, a mobile identification number and a mobile directory number. The mobile identification number represents the number used by the cellular carrier for call routing purposes while the mobile directory number represents the number dialed to reach the cellular device.
Operation of the OnStar(R) Speech Recognition Systems
OnStar(R) users communicate with 2 speech recognition systems. Speech recognition allows the user to speak to one computer in the vehicle, and one reached over a phone line. The computer tries to understand the users command, and responds by speaking back, or by taking the appropriate action, e.g. dialing the phone.
* Personal Calling uses a speech recognition system that resides in the vehicle. When the user presses the phone button, the system states, Ready, and listens for the user's command. The user can speak commands to control the hands-free phone.
* Virtual advisor is a remote speech recognition system that the caller can access by making a phone call. The user connects to virtual advisor by requesting it during personal calling use. The user is then transferred to the virtual advisor server and talks to it via a cellular connection.
The OnStar(R) speech recognition systems use speech technology that is designed to understand a wide range of American English speakers. Although there is no one right way to speak English, the system will work best when users try to modify their pronunciation should they encounter difficulty. Users who do not obtain good results are advised to try the tips and workarounds found in this section.