A/T - Cannot Shift Out Of 'PARK'/Brake Lamps Inop.
ENGINEERING INFORMATIONBulletin No.: 08-07-129-001B
Date: January 07, 2009
EI08247 - Shifter Cannot Be Moved From Park Position, Unable To Shift Out of Park (Diagnose and Repair as Necessary)
2007-2008 Chevrolet Aveo
2007-2008 Pontiac Wave (Canada Only)
Equipped with Automatic Transmission
This bulletin is being revised to add the 2007 model year and provide a field fix for the condition. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 08-07-129-001A (Section 07 - Transmission/Transaxle).
Some customers may comment on not being able to shift out of park. In some cases, this may be associated with a comment that the brake lights are inoperative.
Based on feedback, it has been determined that the most likely cause of this condition is either a faulty stoplamp switch or shift lock control solenoid.
1. Press and hold the brake pedal. Do the stop lamps illuminate?
^ Yes - Go to Step 3.
^ No - Go to Step 2.
2. Is there power at the stoplamp switch?
^ Yes - Go to Step 5.
^ No - Inspect and replace the backup lamp fuse and check for a short to ground in the stop lamp circuit (Refer to SI for Stoplamp Switch Schematic).
3. Check for ground at the park position switch with the connector connected (back probe). Is there ground?
^ Yes - Go to Step 4.
^ No - Replace the park position switch.
4. Is there power at the shift lock control solenoid?
^ Yes - Replace the shift lock control solenoid.
^ No - Check for an open between the shift lock control solenoid and the smart junction block (fuse block). If no trouble is found, replace the smart junction block (fuse block).
5. Press the brake pedal. Watch the stoplamp switch shaft. Does the stoplamp switch shaft stick?
^ Yes - Replace the stoplamp switch.
^ No - Go to Step 6.
6. Is there a gap between the brake pedal bracket and the stoplamp switch when not pressing the pedal? Refer to the graphic above, which illustrates where to find the gap.
^ Yes - Adjust the stoplamp switch. Refer to SI for more information on stoplamp switch adjustment.
^ No - Perform Stoplamps Inoperative diagnostics per SI.
After isolating the root cause by performing the above diagnostics, make the necessary repairs and validate for correct operation.
Parts Information
Warranty Information
For repairs performed under warranty, use the applicable published labor operation code.