Coolant - A/T Fluid Contaminated Due to Engine Coolant
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 10-07-30-013
Date: November 11, 2010
Subject: Transmission Fluid Contaminated Due to Engine Coolant, Inoperative Speedometer, SES Light On with DTC P0722 Set (Perform Repair as Outlined)
2004-2011 Chevrolet Aveo
2007-2010 Pontiac G3
Equipped with Automatic Transmission RPO MLQ
Some customers may comment that the speedometer is inoperative and/or that the SES Light is on. Upon further investigation, the technician may find DTC P0722 set. This may be a repeat failure.
This condition may be caused by the speedometer drive gear loose on the differential case. This may happen due to exposure to engine coolant contamination in the transmission fluid.
Verify the presence of coolant in the transmission fluid and repair the cooling system and transmission as directed in Corporate Bulletin Number 08-07-30-035A or later. The transmission should be repaired or replaced based on the normal cost comparison procedure. If the transmission is repaired, replace the differential assembly, which includes the speedometer drive gear.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.