Suspension - Pop/Clunk Noise From Vehicle Rear
ENGINEERING INFORMATIONBulletin No.: 07-03-09-001J
Date: September 15, 2009
Subject: EI08269 - Creak, Pop, Clunk Noise, Rear Strut, Upper Mount, Suspension (Engineering Recommendations/Engineering Information Closed)
2006-2010 Chevrolet Impala
This bulletin is being revised to end the need for information from the field and to provide engineering recommendations to correct the concern. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 07-03-09-001I (Section 03 - Suspension).
Some customers may comment on a creak, pop, or clunk noise coming from the rear of the vehicle.
This condition may be caused by the rear strut spring rubber isolator contacting the lower spring coil.
Engineering has made the following recommendation to eliminate this concern.
1. Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Through the rear wheelhouse opening, locate the lower first four rubber isolator tabs.
3. Using an utility knife, cut the four tabs flush with the surface of the isolator. Be careful not to cut all the way through the rubber isolator to the metal spring coil.
4. Apply lubricant, GM P/N 12345996 (in Canada, use P/N 10953501), or equivalent, to the lower spring coil. Cover the entire area under the removed tabs.
5. Repeat the above steps for the opposite side.
6. Lower the vehicle.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table above.