LXV (With Variable Camshaft Phasing)
Engine Control Module Scan Tool Information (LXV) (1.6L)
The Engine Control Module Scan Tool Data List contains all engine-related parameters that are available on the scan tool. This is a master list arranged in alphabetical order and not all the parameters listed are in every engine platform.
Use the Engine Scan Tool Data List only after the following is determined:
* The Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (Initial Inspection and Diagnostic Overview) is completed.
* No diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)
* On-board diagnostics are functioning properly
The scan tool values from a properly running engine may be used for comparison with the engine you are diagnosing. The Engine Scan Tool Data List represents values that would be seen on a normally running engine.
Note: A scan tool that displays faulty data should not be used. The scan tool concern should be reported to the manufacturer. Use of a faulty scan tool can result in misdiagnosis and unnecessary parts replacement.
Only the parameters listed below are referenced in this service manual for use in diagnosis.