Engine Controls - End Of Need For Information
ENGINEERING INFORMATIONBulletin No.: 09-06-04-016A
Date: March 25, 2010
Subject: EI09070 - Engineering Information Closed/Results Provided - MIL/Check Engine Light On, Reduced Power Mode, DTCs P2101, P2135 Set
2009 Chevrolet Aveo
2009 Pontiac G3, G3 Wave (Canada Only)
All Equipped with 1.6L Engine (VIN Code E - RPO LXV)
This bulletin is being revised to end the need for dealer feedback and provide field fix information. Please discard Corporate Bulletin Number 09-06-04-016 (Section 06 - Engine).
Some customers may comment on the MIL/check engine light on, possibly resulting in reduced engine power.
Upon further investigation, the technician may find DTC P2101 and/or P2135 set as current or in history.
Based on feedback provided by dealer technicians, engineering was able to determine that the cause of this condition may be due to poor terminal crimps in the engine wiring harness.
Perform one of the following recommendations:
- If DTC P2101 only sets, follow published diagnostics in SI and repair as instructed.
- If DTC P2135 only sets, replace the engine wiring harness.
- If DTCs P2101 and P2135 set together, follow published diagnostics in SI for P2101 and repair as instructed. For P2135, replace the engine wiring harness.
Parts Information
For part numbers and usage of engine harnesses, refer to Engine Wiring Harness in Group 02.525 of the appropriate Parts Catalog.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table above.