Piston, Engine
PistonPiston Diameter - Measured Over Skirt Coating 93.976-94.014 mm (3.6998-3.7013 in)
Piston Diameter - Service Limit Minimum w/more than 10K miles 93.926 mm (3.6979 in)
Piston Pin Bore Diameter 24.004-24.009 mm (0.9450-0.9452 in)
Piston Ring Groove Width - First Compression Ring 1.220-1.240 mm (0.0480-0.0488 in)
Piston Ring Groove Width - Second Compression Ring 1.510-1.530 mm (0.0595-0.0602 in)
Piston Ring Groove Width - Oil Control Ring 2.510-2.530 mm (0.0988-0.0996 in)
Piston to Bore Clearance - Production; Measured at Skirt Coating 0.022-0.032 mm (0.0008-0.0013 in)
Piston to Bore Clearance - Service Limit Maximum, w/more than 10k miles 0.650 mm (0.0256 in)
Piston Pin Clearance to Connecting Rod Bore - Production 0.007-0.024 mm (0.0003-0.0010 in)
Piston Pin Clearance to Connecting Rod Bore - Service Maximum 0.030 mm (0.0012 in)
Piston Pin Clearance to Piston Pin Bore - Production 0.004-0.012 mm (0.0002-0.0005 in)
Piston Pin Clearance to Piston Pin Bore - Service Maximum 0.015 mm (0.0006 in)
Piston Pin Diameter 23.997-24.000 mm (0.9448-0.9449 in)
Piston Pin Length 60.600-61.100 mm (2.3858-2.4055 in)