Vehicle Identification
Vehicle Identification
VIN Plate Location (Except North America)
The vehicle identification number (VIN) plate is attached to the top of the front panel support.
VIN Plate Type A
1 - Manufacturer's Name
2 - VIN
3 - Vehicle Type
4 - Engine Type
5 - Body Color
VIN Plate Type B
1 - Manufacturer's Name
2 - Whole Vehicle Type Approval Number
3 - VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)
4 - GVW
5 - Combination Weight (GVW + Braked Trailer Weight)
6 - Maximum Permissible Axle Weight - Front
7 - Maximum Permissible Axle Weight - Rear
8 - Body Color
VIN Plate Type C
1 - Manufacturer's Name
2 - VIN
3 - GVW
4 - Type of Engine
5 - Number of Seats
6 - Type of Vehicle
7 - Delivery Time/Built Date
8 - Displacement of Engine
9 - Body Color
VIN Plate Location (North America)
The VIN plate is attached to the top of the driver's side of the instrument panel.
Engine VIN Location
The engraved VIN is located on the top right side of the bulkhead.