Horn: Description and Operation
Horns System Description and Operation
System Description
The horn system consists of the following components:
* Horn 15A fuse
* Horn relay
* Horn switch
* Horn
System Operation
* The vehicle horn is activated whenever the horn switch is depressed.
* The horns may be commanded to sound under any of the following conditions:
- When the content theft deterrent system detects a vehicle intrusion-For further information refer to Content Theft Deterrent (CTD) Description and Operation.
- When the keyless entry system is used to lock the vehicle, a horn chirp may sound to notify the driver that the vehicle has been unlocked. The notification feature may be enabled or disabled through personalization.
- The Tire Pressure Monitor system will command the horns to chirp to indicate that the pressure sensors have been properly reprogrammed-For further information refer to Tire Pressure Monitor Description and Operation.
Circuit Operation
Battery positive voltage is applied at all times to the horn relay coil and the horn relay switch. Pressing the horn switch applies ground through the switch contacts and the horn relay control circuit to the coil side of the relay, energizing the relay. Battery voltage is then applied through the switch side of the relay, the horn fuse, and the horn control circuit to the horns. The horns sound as long as ground is applied to the horn relay control circuit