10. Fuel Rail and Injectors Removal
Fuel Rail and Injectors Removal (6.2L LS3)
Warning: Refer to Fuel Rail Stop Bracket Installation Warning (Fuel Rail Stop Bracket Installation Warning).
* The intake manifold, throttle body, fuel injection rail and fuel injectors may be removed as an assembly. If not servicing the individual components, remove the intake manifold as a complete assembly.
* Do not separate the fuel injectors from the fuel rail unless component service is required.
* Use cleanliness and care when handling the fuel system components. Do not allow dirt or debris to enter the fuel injectors or fuel rail components. Cap ends as necessary.
1. Note the location of the fuel rail ground strap (557).
2. Remove the bolts (511 and 512), ground strap (557), and fuel rail with injectors (510). Lift evenly on both sides of the fuel rail until all injectors have left their bores.
3. Remove the fuel injectors (533) and retainers (521).
4. Remove and discard the O-rings (532 and 534).
5. Remove the cap (523) and service valve (524), as required.