Starter Noise Diagnosis
Starter Noise Diagnosis
Circuit/System Testing
1. Remove the flywheel inspection cover.
2. Inspect the flywheel for the following:
* Loose flywheel bolts
* Chipped gear teeth
* Missing gear teeth
* Bent flywheel
• If not within specifications, secure the flywheel bolts or replace the flywheel.
• If all inspections were within specification, replace the starter motor.
Repair Instructions
* Fastener Tightening Specifications Fastener Tightening Specifications for the 2.8L, 3.0L, 3.2L, or 3.6L engines
* Fastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L LSA) Fastener Tightening SpecificationsFastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L LS3) Fastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L L99) for the 4.8L, 5.3L, 6.0L, 6.2L, or 7.0L engines
* Engine Flywheel Removal 8. Engine Flywheel Removal for the 2.8L, 3.0L, 3.2L, or 3.6L engines
* Engine Flywheel Replacement for the 4.8L, 5.3L, 6.0L, 6.2L, or 7.0L engines
* Starter Replacement (LFX) Service and RepairStarter Replacement (LSA,LS3,L99) Service and Repair