Front Door Window Glass: Service and Repair
Front Side Door Window Replacement
Removal Procedure
1. If the window is being replaced it will be necessary to do a full window alignment. Refer to Front Side Door Window Adjustment Adjustments.
2. Remove the front side door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement Service and Repair.
3. Remove the door window switch from the door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement.
4. Reinstall the window switch to the door harness this will allow you to operate the door window.
5. Remove the water deflector.
6. Place the front side door latch bolt in the closed position
Refer to Glass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning Glass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning.
7. If reusing the same window put the window in the full up position, Do the following:
1. Locate the door latch mechanism.
2. Push the latch bolt until it reaches the second detent or full lock position.
3. The window will automatically move up to the hard stop position.
4. Leave the window in this position during all adjustment while the regulator clamp are loose.
8. Locate the outer reveal belt seal (1) and mirror patch (2), mark the window (3) in 3 places for the initial window position before adjustments are performed. These marks will aid in positioning the window to the desired location during adjustment.
9. Place the door window in the service position to expose the window guide bolts.
The rear rail window guide bolt goes through the window and Must be removed before the window can be removed from the regulator.
10. Loosen the front window clamp bolt (1). Do Not remove it completely.
11. Remove the rear rail window clamp bolt (2) completely.
It will be necessary to open the rear window guide to remove the window.
12. Remove the window from the window clamps.
Installation Procedure
1. Open the front side door latch bolt, by pulling the outside door handle releasing the latch bolt.
2. Lower the window regulator clamps to the halfway down position by using the switch.
Refer to Glass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning Glass and Sheet Metal Handling Warning.
3. Install the window (2) to the window clamps.
4. Install the front window clamp bolt (1), Do Not tighten completely.
5. Install the rear window clamp bolt (1), Do not tighten completely.
6. With the door open, run the window (2) up to a hard stop.
7. Place the door window in the full up position. Do the following:
1. Locate the door latch mechanism.
2. Push the latch bolt until it reaches the second detent or full lock position.
3. The window will automatically more up to the full close position.
4. Leave the window in this position during all adjustments while the regulator clamps are loose.
8. Align the marks from step 7.
Refer to Fastener Caution Fastener Caution.
9. Tighten both window clamp bolts.
Tighten the window clamp bolts to 10 Nm (89 lb in).
10. After all adjustments are complete, and the regulator clamps are torqued, pull the outside door handle to release the latch bolt before closing the door.
11. After all adjustments are complete and verified, do the following:
12. After replacing the window it is necessary to reprogram the window. Refer to Window Regulator Motor Programming and Setup Testing and Inspection.
13. Inspect the window for proper operation in the open and closed position before installing the door trim panel.
14. Install the water deflector.
15. Install the window switch to the door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement Front Side Door Window Switch Replacement.
16. Install the front side door trim panel. Refer to Front Side Door Trim Panel Replacement Service and Repair.