Starter Noise Diagnosis
Starter Noise Diagnosis
Circuit/System Testing
1. Remove the flywheel inspection cover.
2. Inspect the flywheel for the following:
* Loose flywheel bolts
* Chipped gear teeth
* Missing gear teeth
* Bent flywheel
• If not within specifications, secure the flywheel bolts or replace the flywheel.
• If all inspections were within specification, replace the starter motor.
Repair Instructions
* Fastener Tightening Specifications Fastener Tightening Specifications for the 2.8L, 3.0L, 3.2L, or 3.6L engines
* Fastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L LSA) Fastener Tightening SpecificationsFastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L LS3) Fastener Tightening SpecificationsFastener Tightening Specifications (6.2L L99) Fastener Tightening Specifications for the 4.8L, 5.3L, 6.0L, 6.2L, or 7.0L engines
* Engine Flywheel Removal Engine Flywheel Removal for the 2.8L, 3.0L, 3.2L, or 3.6L engines
* Engine Flywheel Replacement for the 4.8L, 5.3L, 6.0L, 6.2L, or 7.0L engines
* Starter Replacement (LFX) Service and RepairStarter Replacement (LSA,LS3,L99) Service and Repair