Ultra High Strength Steel
Ultra High Strength Steel
This information provides repair recommendations and general guidelines for steel classified as Ultra High Strength Steel, also know as UHSS. This type of steel normally has a tensile strength greater than 700 MPa.
This includes the common steel names of:
-Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS)
-Martensitic Steel (MS)
-Press Hardened Steel (PHS)
-Boron Steel
-Repair of this type of steel is not recommended.
-This type of steel should be replaced at factory joints only. Sectioning or partial replacement is not recommended.
-The use of heat to repair damage is not recommended for this type of steel.
-Stitch welding is not recommended for this type of steel.
-This type of steel can not be used as a backing reinforcement or a sleeve for a sectioning joint.
Recommended Repairs
-Squeeze resistance spot welding can be used to replace factory spot welds, where applicable.
-MIG plug welding can be used to replace factory spot welds.
-MIG brazing can be used to replace factory spot welds.