Repair Procedures
NOTE: This article lists the sequential steps necessary to overhaul the engine.^ For the specific step listed below, refer to that step under "Repair Instructions". Unit Repair 2013 Sonic 1.8L
1. Engine Support Fixture
2. Timing Belt Inspection
3. Timing Belt Adjustment
4. Draining Fluids and Oil Filter Removal
5. Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Removal
6. Engine Flywheel Removal
7. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Removal
8. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Removal
9. Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe Removal
10. Secondary Air Injection Pump Removal
11. Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Removal
12. Power Steering Pump Belt Removal
13. Drive Belt Removal
14. Drive Belt Tensioner Removal
15. Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Removal
16. Timing Belt Center Front Cover Removal
17. Crankshaft Balancer Removal
18. Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Removal
19. Timing Belt Removal
20. Timing Belt Tensioner Removal
21. Timing Belt Idler Pulley Removal
22. Crankshaft Sprocket Removal
23. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Removal
24. Camshaft Position Actuator Adjuster Removal
25. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Removal
26. Timing Belt Rear Cover Removal
27. Throttle Body Assembly Removal
28. Intake Manifold Removal (1.6L LDE)
29. Intake Manifold Removal (1.8L LUW and LWE)
30. Oil Level Indicator and Tube Removal
31. Exhaust Manifold Removal
32. Engine Coolant Thermostat Removal
33. Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Removal
34. Engine Oil Cooler Housing Removal
35. Engine Oil Cooler Removal
36. Water Pump Pulley Removal
37. Water Pump Removal
38. Engine Oil Heater Removal
39. Oil Pan Removal
40. Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Removal
41. Ignition Coil Removal
42. Camshaft Cover Removal
43. Camshaft Removal
44. Valve Lifter Removal
45. Cylinder Head Removal
46. Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Removal
47. Crankshaft and Bearing Removal
48. Intake Manifold Disassemble (1.6L LDE)
49. Intake Manifold Disassemble (1.8L LUW and LWE)
50. Cylinder Head Disassemble
51. Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble
52. Engine Block Disassemble
53. Intake Manifold Cleaning and Inspection
54. Exhaust Manifold Cleaning and Inspection
55. Oil Pan Cleaning and Inspection
56. Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection
57. Cylinder Head Cleaning and Inspection
58. Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Cleaning and Inspection
59. Crankshaft and Bearing Cleaning and Inspection
60. Engine Block Cleaning and Inspection
61. Service Prior to Assembly
62. Engine Block Assemble
63. Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble
64. Cylinder Head Assemble
65. Intake Manifold Assemble (1.6L LDE)
66. Intake Manifold Assemble (1.8L LUW and LWE)
67. Crankshaft and Bearing Installation
68. Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Installation
69. Cylinder Head Installation
70. Valve Lifter Installation
71. Camshaft Installation
72. Camshaft Cover Installation
73. Ignition Coil Installation
74. Engine Front Cover and Oil Pump Installation
75. Oil Pan Installation
76. Engine Oil Heater Installation
77. Water Pump Installation
78. Water Pump Pulley Installation
79. Engine Oil Cooler Installation
80. Engine Oil Cooler Housing Installation
81. Engine Coolant Thermostat Housing Installation
82. Engine Coolant Thermostat Installation
83. Exhaust Manifold Installation
84. Oil Level Indicator and Tube Installation
85. Intake Manifold Installation (1.6L LDE)
86. Intake Manifold Installation (1.8L LUW and LWE)
87. Throttle Body Assembly Installation
88. Crankshaft Front Oil Seal Installation
89. Timing Belt Rear Cover Installation
90. Camshaft Position Actuator Adjuster Installation
91. Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve Installation
92. Crankshaft Sprocket Installation
93. Timing Belt Idler Pulley Installation
94. Timing Belt Tensioner Installation
95. Timing Belt Installation
96. Timing Belt Lower Front Cover Installation
97. Crankshaft Balancer Installation
98. Timing Belt Center Front Cover Installation
99. Timing Belt Upper Front Cover Installation
100. Drive Belt Installation
101. Drive Belt Tensioner Installation
102. Power Steering Pump Belt Installation
103. Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Installation
104. Secondary Air Injection Pump Installation
105. Secondary Air Injection Pump Pipe Installation
106. Positive Crankcase Ventilation Pipe Installation
107. Engine Flywheel Installation
108. Automatic Transmission Flex Plate Installation
109. Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal Installation