Service Procedure 1
Figure No. 1:
Before beginning this procedure, make sure that the spare tire carrier striker latch is double latched in order to assure that the following check is accurate. Grasp the carrier arm where the release handle is located and move the arm in a forward and backward direction relative to the vehicle. If a metallic sound is heard or if the arm moves easily then replace the striker plate with a new revised striker plate (P/N 15659235). This new striker plate has a thickened rubber bumper to reduce the movement of the carrier arm as well as an additional reinforcement bracket to absorb the additional force on the striker as a result of the thickened bumper. Old and new bumper sizes as well as the reinforcement bracket are shown in Figure 1.
Note: If the subject vehicle was manufactured after the following breakpoints then Service Procedure 1 will not be required as the latest design striker was used in production.
Shreveport: 1GNCT18Z9M8104384
Pontiac West: 1GNCT18Z4MO103321
Moraine: 1GNDT13Z6M2115163