1. Remove snap ring and press 3-4 synchronizer clutch assembly, 3rd speed blocker ring and 3rd gear off mainshaft.
2. Depress speedometer gear retaining clip and remove gear.
3. Remove rear bearing to mainshaft snap ring, support 1st gear with press plates and press on rear of mainshaft to remove 1st speed gear, thrust washer, spring washer and rear bearing.
4. Remove 1-2 sliding clutch hub snap ring, support 2nd speed gear and press clutch assembly, 2nd speed blocker ring and gear from mainshaft.
With front of mainshaft up:
1. Install 3rd speed gear with clutching teeth upward.
2. Install blocker ring with clutching teeth downward over cone of gear. All blocker rings in this unit are identical.
3. Install 3-4 synchronizer assembly with fork slot downward and press it onto mainshaft until it bottoms. Be sure the notches of the blocker ring align with the keys of the synchronizer assembly.
4. Install synchronizer hub to mainshaft snap ring. Both synchronizer snap rings are identical.
With rear of mainshaft upward:
5. Install 2nd speed gear with clutching teeth upward.
6. Install a blocker ring with clutching teeth downward over cone of gear.
7. Press 1-2 synchronizer assembly onto mainshaft with fork slot downward. Be sure notches in blocker ring
align with keys of synchronizer assembly.
8. Install synchronizer hub snap ring.
9. Install a blocker ring with notches downward so they align with the synchronizer keys.
10. Install 1st gear with clutching teeth downward. Install 1st gear thrust washer and spring washer.
11. Press rear bearing onto mainshaft. Install snap ring.
12. Install speedometer drive gear and clip.