Front Bumper and Rub Strip - Gap
File In Section: 10 - BodyBulletin No.: 66-20-04
Date: December, 1996
Gap Between Front Bumper and Rub Strip (Install Washer)
1995-96 Chevrolet and GMC C/K Models with Front Bumper Rub Strip (RPO VG3)
Some owners may comment about a gap between the front bumper and the bumper rub strip. Gaps are most often seen on the corners of the bumper but may also appear in the middle.
The "carrot" fasteners that position the rub strip on the bumper have lost grip within their respective bumper openings.
While applying pressure against the rub strip to close the gap, install washer, P/N 9436681, over the rub strip carrot fastener from the back side of the bumper. The washer is dished slightly to increase its grip on the carrot and also maintain a slight tension against the back of the bumper. Install the washer by pressing it over the carrot with the low or dished side first. A deep 5/8 inch socket may be helpful in seating the washer tightly against the back of the bumper.
Part Information
P/N Description Qty
9436681 Washer 1
Part is currently available from GMSPO.
Warranty Information
Labor Op Description Labor Time
B0067 Strip, Front Bumper 0.2 hr
Guard, Secure