Battery Cable Test
Excessive resistance caused by poor terminal connections and partial short circuits through worn cable insulation will result in an abnormal voltage drop in the starter cable. Low voltage at the starter will prevent normal starter operation and cause hard starting.Whenever battery cables are replaced, always use a replacement cable that is the same type, diameter, and length. Some positive cables have additional feed wires attached to them and some negative cables have additional ground leads attached. Make sure to route a replacement battery cable the same as the original.
NOTICE: When Installing the positive battery cable to starter solenoid, the inner nut on the solenoid battery terminal must be tightened before the battery cable and other leads are installed. Failure to do so will result in solenoid terminal and/or solenoid damage.
1. Engage the parking brakes and block the wheels.
2. Place the automatic transmission in park.
3. On gas engines, disconnect the battery feed at the distributor. On diesel engines, disconnect the battery feed at the Engine Shutoff (ESO) solenoid.
4. Check the voltage drop between ground (negative battery terminal) and the vehicle frame. Place one probe of J 39200 on the grounded battery post (not on the cable clamp) and the other on the frame. Operate the starter and note the voltage reading.
5. Check the voltage drop between the positive battery terminal and starter terminal stud with the starter operating.
6. Check the voltage drop between the starter housing and the frame with the starter operating.
7. If the voltage drop in any of the above is more than 0.5 volt, there is excessive resistance in the circuit. To eliminate resistance, the cables should be disconnected and connections cleaned. If cables are frayed or the clamps corroded, replace the cables. When selecting new cables, make sure they are the same length and diameter as the ones being replaced.