Front Hub and Bearing
FRONT HUB/BEARINGRemove or Disconnect
1. The front brake caliper. Refer to Brakes and Traction Control.
Important: Support the caliper with a piece of wire to prevent damage to the brake hose.
2. The cap from the hub and rotor.
3. The cotter pin, nut and washer.
4. The hub and rotor from the spindle.
- Be careful not to damage the outer bearing and the spindle threads.
5. The outer bearing.
6. The seal.
- Pry the seal out and discard.
7. The inner bearing.
- All parts in a solvent and air dry. Do not spin the bearings with compressed air.
- The hub and rotor. Refer to Brakes and Traction Control.
- The bearings and races for a cracked cage, worn or pitted rollers, cracks, scores or a brinelled condition. Refer to "Diagnosis of the Wheel Bearings." Replace parts as necessary.
Install or Connect
- Be sure all parts are clean and free of grease.
- Apply an approved high-temperature front wheel bearing grease to the spindle at the inner and outer bearing seat, shoulder and seal seat. Also finger apply a small amount of grease inboard of each bearing cup in the hub/rotor. Pressure pack the bearings with a greasing machine or hand pack them, making sure the grease is worked thoroughly into the rollers, cone and the cage.
1. The inner bearing to the hub and rotor.
- Apply an additional quantity of grease outboard of the inner bearing.
2. The seal.
- Lubricate the seal lip.
- Use a seal installation tool or flat block to press the seal down flush with the hub.
- Seat the outer bearing and cup.
3. The hub and rotor to the spindle.
- Be careful not to scuff the spindle threads.
4. The outer bearing to the hub and rotor.
5. The washer.
6. The nut.
- Tighten the hub and rotor bearing nut to 16 Nm (12 lb ft) while turning the wheel forward by hand. Apply grease to the outboard side of the outer bearing.
Important: Adjust the wheel bearings. Refer to "Wheel Bearing Adjustment."
7. The cotter pin.
8. The cap to the hub/rotor.
9. The front brake caliper. Refer to Brakes and Traction Control.