Scan Tool Data List: Overview
ENGINE SCAN TOOL DATA LISTUse the scan tool data listed for comparison after the On-Board Diagnostic system check and finding the on-board diagnostics function properly with no diagnostic codes displayed. The Typical Scan Tool Data Values are an average of display values recorded from normally operating vehicles. The Typical Scan Tool Data Values are intended to represent what a normally functioning system would display. The values you get may vary due to a low battery charge or other reasons. But they should be very close.
Do not use a scan tool that displays faulty data. Report the problem to the manufacturer. The use of a faulty scan tool can result in misdiagnosis and unnecessary parts replacement.
Use only the parameters listed in the tables for diagnosis. If a scan tool reads other parameters, the values are not recommended by General Motors for use in diagnosis. For more description on the values and the use of the scan tool diagnosis the VCM inputs, refer to the applicable diagnosis. If all values are within the range illustrated, refer to Driveability Symptoms.
Engine at Operating Temperature/Engine Idling at Closed Loop/Closed Throttle/Transmission in Park or Neutral/Accessories OFF.