Overhaul Procedure Steps
NOTE: This article lists the sequential steps necessary to overhaul the engine.- For each specific step listed below, refer to the articles listed under "Repair Instructions".
Article Titles:
[ ] Draining Fluids and Oil Filter Removal
[ ] Engine Flywheel Removal
[ ] Exhaust Manifold Removal (Left Side)
[ ] Exhaust Manifold Removal (Right Side)
[ ] Water Pump Removal
[ ] Crankshaft Balancer Removal
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Cover Removal (Left)
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Cover Removal (Right)
[ ] Distributor Removal
[ ] Intake Manifold Removal
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm and Push Rod Removal
[ ] Cylinder Head Removal (Left)
[ ] Cylinder Head Removal (Right)
[ ] Valve Lifter Removal
[ ] Oil Filter Adapter Removal
[ ] Oil Pan Removal
[ ] Oil Pump, Pump Screen and Deflector Removal
[ ] Oil Level Indicator and Tube Removal
[ ] Engine Front Cover Removal
[ ] Timing Chain and Sprockets Removal
[ ] Camshaft Removal
[ ] Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Removal
[ ] Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing Removal (General)
[ ] Crankshaft and Bearings Removal
[ ] Engine Block Plug Removal
[ ] Engine Block Clean and Inspect
[ ] Cylinder Boring and Honing
[ ] Piston and Connecting Rod Disassemble
[ ] Piston, Connecting Rod and Bearings Clean/Inspect
[ ] Piston Selection
[ ] Piston and Connecting Rod Assemble
[ ] Crankshaft and Bearings Clean and Inspect
[ ] Crankshaft Balancer Clean and Inspect
[ ] Engine Flywheel Clean and Inspect
[ ] Camshaft and Bearings Clean and Inspect
[ ] Camshaft Bearing Removal
[ ] Camshaft Bearing Installation
[ ] Timing Chain and Sprockets Clean and Inspect
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm and Push Rods Clean and Inspect
[ ] Valve Lifters and Guides Clean and Inspect
[ ] Cylinder Head Disassemble
[ ] Cylinder Head Clean and Inspect
[ ] Valve Guide Reaming/Valve and Seat Grinding
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Stud Removal
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Stud Installation
[ ] Cylinder Head Assemble
[ ] Oil Pump Disassemble
[ ] Oil Pump Clean and Inspect
[ ] Oil Pump Assemble
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Cover Clean and Inspect
[ ] Oil Pan Clean and Inspect
[ ] Intake Manifold Disassemble
[ ] Intake Manifold Clean and Inspect
[ ] Intake Manifold Assemble
[ ] Exhaust Manifold Clean and Inspect
[ ] Water Pump Clean and Inspect
[ ] Thread Repair
[ ] Service Prior to Assembly
[ ] Engine Block Plug Installation
[ ] Crankshaft and Bearings Installation
[ ] Crankshaft Rear Oil Seal and Housing Installation
[ ] Piston, Connecting Rod, and Bearing Installation
[ ] Camshaft Installation
[ ] Timing Chain and Sprockets Installation
[ ] Engine Front Cover Installation
[ ] Oil Level Indicator and Tube Installation
[ ] Oil Pump, Pump Screen and Deflector Installation
[ ] Oil Pan Installation
[ ] Oil Filter Adapter Installation
[ ] Valve Lifter Installation
[ ] Cylinder Head Installation (Left)
[ ] Cylinder Head Installation (Right)
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm and Push Rod Installation
[ ] Valve Lash Adjustment
[ ] Intake Manifold Installation
[ ] Crankshaft Balancer Installation
[ ] Distributor Installation
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Cover Installation (Left)
[ ] Valve Rocker Arm Cover Installation (Right)
[ ] Water Pump Installation
[ ] Exhaust Manifold Installation (Left Side)
[ ] Exhaust Manifold Installation (Right Side)
[ ] Engine Flywheel Installation
[ ] Engine Set-Up and Testing