Locks: Description and Operation
Access Panel Description and Operation
The rear access panels can be released by pressing the rear access panel switches. The transaxle must be in park or a vehicle with a manual transaxle, the vehicle must be stationary for the rear access panels to release.
The access panel release system consists of an interlock relay, two access panel relays, three release switches and two latches. When the appropriate release switch is pressed, the body control module (BCM) provides ground to the appropriate rear access panel relay, as well as, simultaneously signals the instrument panel cluster (IPC) to energize the interlock relay. Energized rear access panel release relay coil causes the switch contacts to close and allow B+ voltage to the appropriate rear access panel actuator. After the IPC energizes the interlock relay, the interlock relay switch contacts close and provide ground for the appropriate rear access panel release actuator. Having both power and ground the rear access panel actuator releases the panel door.