ABS/TCS - Electronic Stability Control/DTC C0460/C0196
TECHNICALBulletin No.: 11-05-25-001
Date: March 30, 2011
Subject: Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Message Displayed in Driver Information Center (DIC), DTC C0460, C0280 or C0196 Set
2009-2011 Chevrolet HHR Equipped with Engine RPO LE8 or LE9
Equipped with Electronic Stability Control System (RPO JL4)
In rare cases, customers may comment that the Service Electronic Stability Control (ESC) message appears in the Driver Information Center (DIC) and/or the ESC system activates (modulates brakes and/or limits engine torque) at inappropriate times.
When diagnosing the condition, the technician may find Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) C0460, C0280 or C0196 Set.
This condition may be caused by the steering angle being inadvertently recalibrated. The condition may also be the result of the steering angle sensor (SAS) not being properly centered after an alignment or other repair.
The amount of steering deviation from the proper center location and the type of driving conditions encountered will determine which DTC or DTCs will set. The known DTCs that can be set by this condition are: C0460 5A, C0460 42, C0280 and C0196.
Use the following steps to correct the condition:
1. Use SPS to update the EBCM software. Technicians are to reprogram the EBCM using the Service Programming System (SPS) with the latest software currently available in TIS2WEB.
2. Recalibrate the SAS. Use the scan tool to recalibrate the SAS (see EBCM/special functions for Non-SS) in SI.
When using a Tech 2(R) or a Multiple Diagnostic Interface (MDI) for reprogramming, ensure that it is updated with the latest software version.
During programming, the battery voltage must be maintained within the proper range of 12-15 Volts. Only use the approved Midtronics(R) PSC 550 Battery Maintainer (SPS Programming Support Tool EL-49642) or equivalent during programming.
Warranty Information
For vehicles repaired under warranty, use the table.