48. Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet Cleaning and Inspection
Camshaft Position Actuator Magnet Cleaning and Inspection
Important: If checking the operating range of the CMP magnet pintle, DO NOT energize the magnet with a 12V power supply. Use steps 2 thru 5 below to check pintle operating range. To dynamically test the magnet pintle with a power supply, refer to the dynamic test instructions listed under the component testing portion of DTC P0011. Refer to DTC P0011 P0011
1. Inspect the CMP magnet for the following conditions:
* A damaged electrical connector
* An accumulation of dirt or debris in the recessed area around the pintle
* A build-up of burnt engine oil on the shaft of the pintle which may cause the pintle to stick and not move freely within the proper range of travel
2. Holding the CMP magnet with the pintle facing upward, measure the pintle retracted position (a). Record the dimension.
3. Holding the CMP magnet with the pintle facing downward, measure the pintle extended position (a). Record the dimension.
4. Subtract the retracted dimension from the extended dimension to determine pintle travel. A properly moving pintle will travel 3.0-5.5 mm (0.12-0.22 in).
5. If the pintle of the CMP magnet is binding or does not move within the proper range of travel, replace the CMP magnet as an assembly.