Monitored Components
MONITORED COMPONENTSThere are several components that will affect vehicle emissions if they malfunction. If one of these components malfunctions the Malfunction Indicator Lamp (Check Engine) will illuminate.
Some of the component monitors are checking for proper operation of the part. Electrically operated components now have input (rationality) and output (functionality) checks. Previously, a component like the Throttle Position sensor (TPS) was checked by the PCM for an open or shorted circuit. If one of these conditions occurred, a DTC was set. Now there is a check to ensure that the component is working. This is done by watching for a TPS indication of a greater or lesser throttle opening than MAP and engine rpm indicate. In the case of the TPS, if engine vacuum is high and engine speed is 1600 rpm or greater and the TPS indicates a large throttle opening, a DTC will be set. The same applies to low vacuum and 1600 rpm.
Any component that has an associated limp in will set a fault after 1 trip with the malfunction present.
Refer to the Diagnostic Trouble Codes Description Charts and the appropriate Powertrain Diagnostic Procedure for diagnostic procedures.
The following is a list of the monitored components:
- Comprehensive Components
- Oxygen Sensor Monitor
- Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor
- Catalyst Monitor
Along with the major monitors, OBD II requires that the diagnostic system monitor any component that could affect emissions levels. In many cases these components were being tested under OBD I. The OBD I requirements focused mainly on testing emissions-related components for electrical opens and shorts.
However, OBD II also requires that inputs from powertrain components to the PCM be tested for rationality, and that outputs to powertrain components from the PCM be tested for functionality. Methods for monitoring the various Comprehensive Component monitoring include:
1. Circuit Continuity
- Open
- Shorted high
- Shorted to ground
2. Rationality or Proper Functioning
- Inputs tested for rationality
- Outputs tested for functionality
NOTE: Comprehensive component monitors are continuous. Therefore, enabling conditions do not apply.
Input Rationality
While input signals to the PCM are constantly being monitored for electrical opens and shorts, they are also tested for rationality. This means that the input signal is compared against other inputs and information to see if it makes sense under the current conditions.
PCM sensor inputs that are checked for rationality include:
- Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) Sensor
- Oxygen Sensor (O2S)
- Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
- Camshaft Position (CMP) Sensor
- Vehicle Speed Sensor
- Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
- Intake Air Temperature (IAT) Sensor
- Throttle Position (TPS) Sensor
- Ambient/Battery Temperature Sensors
- Power Steering Switch
- Oxygen Sensor Heater
- Engine Controller
- Brake Switch
- Leak Detection Pump Switch
- PIN Switch
- Trans Controls
Output Functionality
PCM outputs are tested for functionality in addition to testing for opens and shorts. When the PCM provides a voltage to an output component, it can verify that the command was carried out by monitoring specific input signals for expected changes. For example, when the PCM commands the Idle Air Control (IAC) Motor to a specific position under certain operating conditions, it expects to see a specific (target) idle speed (rpm). If it does not, it stores a DTC.
PCM outputs monitored for functionality include:
- Fuel Injectors
- Ignition Coils
- Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid
- Idle Air Control
- Purge Solenoid
- EGR Solenoid
- LDP Solenoid
- Radiator Fan Control
- Trans Controls
Effective control of exhaust emissions is achieved by an oxygen feedback system. The most important element of the feedback system is the O2S. The O2S is located in the exhaust path. Once it reaches operating temperature 300 °C - 350 °C (572 °F - 662 °F), the sensor generates a voltage that is inversely proportional to the amount of oxygen in the exhaust. When there is a large amount of oxygen in the exhaust caused by a lean condition, the sensor produces a low voltage, below 450 mV. When the oxygen content is lower, caused by a rich condition, the sensor produces a higher voltage, above 450mV.
The information obtained by the sensor is used to calculate the fuel injector pulse width. This maintains a 14.7 to 1 air/fuel (A/F) ratio. At this mixture ratio, the catalyst works best to remove Hydrocarbons (HC), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Nitrous Oxide (NOx) from the exhaust.
The O2S is also the main sensing element for the EGR, Catalyst and Fuel Monitors.
The O2S may fail in any or all of the following manners:
- Slow response rate (Big Slope)
- Reduced output voltage (Half Cycle)
- Heater Performance
Slow Response Rate (Big Slope) - Response rate is the time required for the sensor to switch from lean to rich signal output once it is exposed to a richer than optimum A/F mixture or vice versa. As the PCM adjusts the air/fuel ratio, the sensor must be able to rapidly detect the change. As the sensor ages, it could take longer to detect the changes in the oxygen content of the exhaust gas. The rate of change that an oxygen sensor experiences is called 'Big Slope'. The PCM checks the oxygen sensor voltage in increments of a few milliseconds.
Reduced Output Voltage (Half Cycle) - The output voltage of the O2S ranges from 0 - 1 volt. A good sensor can easily generate any output voltage in this range as it is exposed to different concentrations of oxygen. To detect a shift in the A/F mixture (lean or rich), the output voltage has to change beyond a threshold value. A malfunctioning sensor could have difficulty changing beyond the threshold value. Each time the voltage signal surpasses the threshold, a counter is incremented by one. This is called the Half Cycle Counter.
Heater Performance - The heater is tested by a separate monitor. Refer to the Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor.
As the Oxygen Sensor signal switches, the PCM monitors the half cycle and big slope signals from the oxygen sensor. If during the test neither counter reaches a predetermined value, a malfunction is entered and a Freeze Frame is stored. Only one counter reaching its predetermined value is needed for the monitor to pass.
The Oxygen Sensor Monitor is a two trip monitor that is tested only once per trip. When the Oxygen Sensor fails the test in two consecutive trips, the MIL is illuminated and a DTC is set. The MIL is extinguished when the Oxygen Sensor monitor passes in three consecutive trips. 'The DTC is erased from memory after 40 consecutive warm-up cycles without test failure.
Enabling Conditions
The following conditions must typically be met for the PCM to run the oxygen sensor monitor:
- Battery voltage
- Engine temperature
- Engine run time
- Engine run time at a predetermined speed
- Engine run time at a predetermined speed and throttle opening
- Transmission in gear (automatic only)
- Fuel system in Closed Loop
- Long Term Adaptive (within parameters)
- Power Steering Switch in low PSI (no load)
- Engine at idle
- Fuel level above 15%
- Ambient air temperature
- Barometric pressure
- Engine rpm within acceptable range of desired idle
- Closed throttle speed
Pending Conditions
The Task Manager typically does not run the Oxygen Sensor Monitor if over. lapping monitors are running or the MIL is illuminated for any of the following:
- Misfire Monitor
- Front Oxygen Sensor and Heater Monitor
- MAP Sensor
- Vehicle Speed Sensor
- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
- Throttle Position Sensor
- Engine Controller Self Test Faults
- Cam or Crank Sensor
- Injector and Coil
- Idle Air Control Motor
- EVAP Electrical
- EGR Solenoid Electrical
- Intake Air Temperature
- 5 Volt Feed
The Task Manager does not run the Oxygen Sensor Monitor if any of the following conditions are present:
- A/C ON (A/C clutch cycling temporarily suspends monitor)
- Purge flow in progress
The Task Manager suspends maturing a fault for the Oxygen Sensor Monitor if an of the following are present:
- Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor, Priority 1
- Misfire Monitor, Priority 2
If there is an Oxygen Sensor (O2S) DTC as well as a O2S heater DTC, the O2S fault MUST be repaired first. After the O2S fault is repaired, verify that the heater circuit is operating correctly.
The voltage readings taken from the O2S are very temperature sensitive. The readings are not accurate below 300 °C. Heating of the O2S is done to allow the engine controller to shift to closed loop control as soon as possible. The heating element used to heat the O2S must be tested to ensure that it is heating the sensor properly.
The heater element itself is not tested. The sensor output is used to test the heater by isolating the effect of the heater element on the O2S output voltage from the other effects. The resistance is normally between 100 ohms and 4 - 5 megohms. when oxygen sensor temperature increases, the resistance in the internal circuit decreases. The PCM sends a 5 volts biased signal through the oxygen sensors to ground this monitoring circuit. As the temperature increases, resistance decreases and the PCM detects a lower voltage at the reference signal. Inversely, as the temperature decreases, the resistance increases and the PCM detects a higher voltage at the reference signal. an The O2S circuit is monitored for a drop in voltage.
The Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor begins after the ignition has been turned OFF and the O2 sensors have cooled. The PCM sends a 5 volt bias to the oxygen sensor every 1 - 6 seconds. The PCM keeps it biased for 35 ms each time. As the sensor cools down, the resistance increases and the PCM reads the increase in voltage. Once voltage has increased to a predetermined amount, higher than when the test started, the oxygen sensor is cool enough to test heater operation.
When the oxygen sensor is cool enough, the PCM energizes the ASD relay. Voltage to the O2 sensor begins to increase the temperature. As the sensor temperature increases, the internal resistance A decreases. 'The PCM continues biasing the 5 volt signal to the sensor. Each time the signal is biased, the PCM reads a voltage decrease. When the PCM detects a voltage decrease of a predetermined value for several biased pulses, the test passes.
The heater elements are tested each time the engine is turned OFF if all the enabling conditions are met. If the monitor fails, the PCM stores a maturing fault and a Freeze Frame is entered. If two consecutive tests fail, a DTC is stored. Because the ignition is OFF, the MIL is illuminated at the beginning of the next key cycle.
Enabling Conditions
The following conditions must be met for the PCM to run the oxygen sensor heater test:
- Engine run time of at least 5.1 minutes
- Key OFF power down
- Battery voltage of at least 10 volts
- Sufficient Oxygen Sensor cool down
Pending Conditions
There are no conditions or situations that prompt conflict or suspension of testing. The oxygen sensor heater test is not run pending resolution of MIL illumination due to oxygen sensor failure.
There are no conditions which exist for suspending the Heater Monitor.
To comply with clean air regulations, vehicles are equipped with catalytic converters. These converters reduce the emission of hydrocarbons, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxide.
Normal vehicle miles or engine misfire can cause a catalyst to decay. A meltdown of the ceramic core can cause a reduction of the exhaust passage. This can increase vehicle emissions and deteriorate engine performance, driveability and fuel economy.
The catalyst monitor uses dual oxygen sensors (O2S's) to monitor the efficiency of the converter. The dual O2S strategy is based on the fact that as a catalyst deteriorates, its oxygen storage capacity and its efficiency are both reduced. By monitoring the oxygen storage capacity of a catalyst, its efficiency can be indirectly calculated. The upstream O2S is used to detect the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas before the gas enters the catalytic converter. The PCM calculates the A/F mixture from the output of the O2S. A low voltage indicates high oxygen content (lean mixture). A high voltage indicates a low content of oxygen (rich mixture).
When the upstream O2S detects a lean condition, there is an abundance of oxygen in the exhaust gas. A functioning converter would store this oxygen so it can use it for the oxidation of HC and CO. As the converter absorbs the oxygen, there will be a lack of oxygen downstream of the converter. The output of the downstream O2S will indicate limited activity in this condition.
As the converter loses the ability to store oxygen, the condition can be detected from the behavior of the downstream O2S. When the efficiency drops, no chemical reaction takes place. This means the concentration of oxygen will be the same downstream as upstream. The output voltage of the downstream O2S copies the voltage of the upstream sensor. The only difference is a time lag (seen by the PCM) between the switching of the O2S's.
To monitor the system, the number of lean-to-rich switches of upstream and downstream O2S's is counted. The ratio of downstream switches to upstream switches is used to determine whether the catalyst is operating properly. An effective catalyst will have fewer downstream switches than it has upstream switches i.e., a ratio closer to zero. For a totally ineffective catalyst, this ratio will be one-to-one, indicating that no oxidation occurs in the device.
The system must be monitored so that when catalyst efficiency deteriorates and exhaust emissions increase to over the legal limit, the MIL (check engine lamp) will be illuminated.
To monitor catalyst efficiency, the PCM expands the rich and lean switch points of the heated oxygen sensor. With extended switch points, the air/fuel mixture runs richer and leaner to overburden the catalytic converter. Once the test is started, the air/fuel mixture runs rich and lean and the O2 switches are counted. A switch is counted when an oxygen sensor signal goes from below the lean threshold to above the rich threshold. The number of Rear O2 sensor switches is divided by the number of Front O2 sensor switches to determine the switching ratio.
The test runs for 20 seconds. As catalyst efficiency deteriorated over the life of the vehicle, the switch rate at the downstream sensor approaches that of the upstream sensor. If at any point during the test period the switch ratio reaches a predetermined value, a counter is incremented by one. The monitor is enabled to run another test during that trip. When the test fails three times, the counter increments to three, a malfunction is entered, and a Freeze Frame is stored. When the counter increments to three during the next trip, the code is matured and the MIL is illuminated. If the test passes the first, no further testing is conducted during that trip.
The MIL is extinguished after three consecutive good trips. The good trip criteria for the catalyst monitor is more stringent than the failure criteria. In order to pass the test and increment one good trip, the downstream sensor switch rate must be less than 80% of the upstream rate (60% for manual transmissions). The failure percentages are 90% and 70% respectively.
Enabling Conditions
The following conditions must typically be met before the PCM runs the catalyst monitor. Specific times for each parameter may be different from engine to engine.
- Accumulated drive time
- Enable time
- Ambient air temperature
- Barometric pressure
- Catalyst warm-up counter
- Engine coolant temperature
- Accumulated throttle position sensor
- Vehicle speed
- rpm
- Engine in closed loop
- Fuel level
Pending Conditions
- Misfire DTC
- Front Oxygen Sensor Response
- Front Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor
- Front Oxygen Sensor Electrical
- Rear Oxygen Sensor Rationality (middle check)
- Rear Oxygen Sensor Heater Monitor
- Rear Oxygen Sensor Electrical
- Fuel System Monitor
- All TPS faults
- All MAP faults
- All ECT sensor faults
- Purge flow solenoid functionality
- Purge flow solenoid electrical
- All PCM self test faults
- All CMP and CKP sensor faults
- All injector and ignition electrical faults
- Idle Air Control (IAC) motor functionality
- Vehicle Speed Sensor
- Brake switch
- Intake air temperature
The catalyst monitor does not run if any of the following are conditions are present:
- EGR Monitor in progress
- Fuel system rich intrusive test in progress
- EVAP Monitor in progress
- Time since start is less than 60 seconds
- Low fuel level
- Low ambient air temperature
The Task Manager does not mature a catalyst fault if any of the following are present:
- Oxygen Sensor Monitor, Priority 1
- Upstream Oxygen Sensor Heater, Priority 1
- EGR Monitor, Priority 1
- EVAP Monitor, Priority 1
- Fuel System Monitor, Priority 2
- Misfire Monitor, Priority 2