Cruise Control Switch: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. Release hood latch and open hood.
2. Disconnect battery negative cable.
3. Remove airbag/horn pad from steering wheel, refer the Restraint Systems for the proper procedures.
4. Disconnect wire connector from horn switch, airbag, and speed control switches.
Speed Control Switches:
5. Remove screws holding speed control switch to airbag/horn pad.
6. Separate speed control switch from airbag/horn pad.
1. Install speed control switch to the airbag/horn pad.
2. Install screws holding speed control switch to airbag/horn pad.
3. Connect wire connector to the horn switch, airbag, and speed control switches.
4. Install airbag/horn pad to steering wheel, refer the Restraint Systems for the proper procedures.
5. Connect battery negative cable.