Distributor: Service and Repair
REMOVALDistributor Electrical Connector:
1. Disconnect distributor connector from distributor.
2. Loosen distributor cap retaining screws.
3. Lift cap of off distributor.
4. Rotate engine crankshaft until the distributor rotor points to the intake manifold plenum. Scribe a mark on the plenum in line with the rotor. The scribe line indicates where to position the rotor when reinstalling the distributor.
Distributor Hold-Down:
5. Remove distributor hold down nut.
6. Carefully lift the distributor from the engine.
1. Position distributor in engine. Make certain that the O-ring is properly seated on distributor. If O-ring is cracked or nicked replace with new one.
2. Carefully engage distributor drive with gear on camshaft. When the distributor is installed properly, the rotor will be in line with previously scribe line on air intake plenum. If engine was cranked while distributor was removed, it will be necessary to establish proper relationship between the distributor shaft and Number 1 piston position as follows:
a. Rotate the crankshaft until number one piston is at top of compression stroke.
Distributor Cap Terminal Routing, View From Top of Cap:
b. Rotate rotor to number one rotor terminal.
c. Lower the distributor into the opening, engaging distributor drive with drive on camshaft. With distributor fully seated on engine, rotor should be under the number 1 terminal.
3. Install the distributor cap. Ensure sure all high tension wires are firmly in the cap towers.
4. Install hold-down nut and tighten.
5. Connect distributor electrical connector to distributor.