Cruise Control Servo: Description and Operation
The servo unit consists of a solenoid valve body, and a vacuum chamber. The solenoid valve body contains three solenoids:- Vacuum
- Vent
- Dump
The vacuum chamber contains a diaphragm with a cable attached to control the throttle linkage.
The PCM controls the solenoid valve body. The solenoid valve body controls the application and release of vacuum to the diaphragm of the vacuum servo. The servo unit cannot be repaired and is serviced only as a complete assembly
Power is supplied to the servo by the PCM through the brake switch. The PCM controls the ground path for the vacuum and vent solenoids.
The dump solenoid is energized anytime it receives power. If power to the dump solenoid is interrupted, the solenoid dumps vacuum in the servo. This provides a safety backup to the vent and vacuum solenoids.
The vacuum and vent solenoids must be grounded by the PCM to operate. When the PCM grounds the vacuum servo solenoid, the solenoid allows vacuum to enter the servo and pull open the throttle plate using the cable. When the PCM breaks the ground, the solenoid closes and no more vacuum is allowed to enter the servo. The PCM also operates the vent solenoid via ground. The vent solenoid opens and closes a passage to bleed or hold vacuum in the servo as required.
The PCM cycles the vacuum and vent solenoids to maintain the set speed, or to accelerate and decelerate the vehicle. To increase throttle opening, the PCM grounds the vacuum and vent solenoids. To decrease throttle opening, the PCM removes the grounds from the vacuum and vent solenoids.