System Specifications
Engine Oil Viscosity Chart
The proper SAE viscosity grade of engine oil should be selected based on the following recommendation and be within the operating temperature shown in the engine oil viscosity chart.
- SAE 5W-30 engine oil is preferred. SAE 5W-30 engine oils improve low temperature starting and helps vehicle fuel economy.
Lubricants which do not have both, the engine oil certification mark and the correct SAE viscosity grade number should not be used.
Flexible Fuel Engine Oil
If you operate the vehicle on E-85 Fuel either full or part-time, use only Mopar Flexible Fuel 5W-30 engine oil or an equivalent that meets the manufacturers Standard MS-9214. Equivalent commercial Flexible Fuel engine oils may be labeled as Flexible Fuel (FFV) or Alternate Fuel (AFV). These engine oils may be satisfactory if they meet the manufacturer's standard.
CAUTION: If Flexible Fuel engine oil is not used when using E-85, engine wear may be increased significantly. This may void your warranty.
Synthetic Engine Oils
There are a growing number of engine oils being promoted as either synthetic or semi-synthetic. If you choose to use such a product, use only those oils that meet the American Petroleum Institute (API) and (SAE) viscosity standard. Follow the service schedule that describes your driving type.