Glossary of Acronyms
ABS Antilock Brake SystemACM Airbag Control Module
AECM Airbag Electronic Control Module (ACM)
APM Adjustable Pedals Module
ASD Automatic Shut Down Relay
ASDM Airbag System Diagnostic Module (ACM)
ATC Automatic Temperature Control
Backfire, Popback Fuel ignites in either the intake or the exhaust system.
BCM Body Control Module
CAB Controller Antilock Brake
CKP Crankshaft Position Sensor
CMP Camshaft Position Sensor
CMTC Compass/Mini-Trip Computer
CPA Connector Positive Assurance
Cuts Out, Misses A steady pulsation or the inability of the engine to maintain a consistent rpm.
DAB Driver Airbag
DCHA Diesel Cabin Heater Assist (Cabin Heater)
Detonation, Spark Knock A mild to severe ping, especially under loaded engine conditions.
DLC Data Link Connector (previously called engine diagnostic connector)
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DR Driver
EBL Electric Back Lite (rear window defogger)
ECM Engine Control Module
ECT Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve and System
EVIC Electronic Vehicle Information Center
FCM Front Control Module
GCC Gulf Coast Countries
Generator Previously called alternator hard The engine takes longer than usual start to start, even though it is able to crank normally.
HE Hall Effect
Hesitation, Sag, Stumble There is a momentary lack of response when the throttle is opened. This can occur at all vehicle speeds. If it is severe enough, the engine may stall.
HVAC Heater, Ventilation, Air Conditioning
IAC Idle Air Control Motor
IAT Intake Air Temperature Sensor
IPM Integrated Power Module
JTEC Jeep/Truck Engine Controller (Combined Engine and Transmission Control Module)
Lack of Power, Sluggish The engine has less than expected power, with little or no increase in vehicle speed when the throttle is opened.
LDP Leak Detection Pump
LDU Lower Drive Unit
LHD Left Hand Drive
MAP Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor
MIC Mechanical Instrument Cluster
MIL Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MSMM Memory Seat/Mirror Module
MTV Manifold Tuning Valve
MTC Manual Temperature Control
O2S Oxygen Sensor
OBD On-Board Diagnostics
ODO Odometer
ORC Occupant Restraint Controller (Airbag Control Module)
PAB Passenger Airbag
PASS Passenger
PCI Programmable Communication Interface (vehicle communication bus)
PCM Powertrain Control Module
PCV Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PDC Power Distribution Center
PEP Peripheral Expansion Port
PLG Power Liftgate
PLGM Power Liftgate Module
Poor Fuel Economy There is significantly less fuel mileage than other vehicles of the same design ad configuration.
PSD Power Sliding Door
PSDM Power Sliding Door Module
PWM Pulse Width Modulated
RHD Right Hand Drive
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
Rough, Unstable, or
Erratic Idle/Stalling The engine runs unevenly at idle and causes the engine to shake if it is severe enough. The engine idle rpm may vary (called hunting). This condition may cause stalling if it is severe enough.
SAB Seat Airbag
SBEC Single Board Engine Controller
SBT Seat Belt Tensioner
SIACM Side Impact Airbag Control Module
SKIM Sentry Key Immobilizer Module
SKIS Sentry Key Immobilizer System
SQUIB also called Initiator (located inside airbag)
SRS Supplemental Restraint System
Start & Stall The engine starts but immediately dies.
Surge Engine rpm fluctuation without corresponding change in Throttle Position Sensor.
TCM Transmission Control Module
TPM Tire Pressure Monitor
TPS Throttle Position Sensor
TRS Transmission Range Sensor
VFD Vacuum Fluorescent Display
VSS Vehicle Speed Sensor/Signal
VTSS Vehicle Theft Security System