Removal and Replacement
REMOVAL - ENGINE ASSEMBLY1. Perform fuel pressure release procedure.
2. Disconnect negative battery cable.
3. Remove air cleaner and hoses.
4. Disconnect the fuel line from fuel rail.
5. Remove the wiper module.
6. Block off heater hoses to the rear heater system using pinch-off pliers (if equipped).
7. Drain the cooling system.
8. Disconnect the heater hoses.
9. Remove the radiator upper support crossmember.
10. Remove the radiator fans.
11. Disconnect the throttle cables from the throttle body.
12. Disconnect the MAP, IAC, and TPS electrical connectors.
13. Disconnect the EGR transducer electrical connector (if equipped).
14. Disconnect the vacuum hoses from throttle body.
15. Disconnect the brake booster and speed control vacuum hoses.
16. Disengage wire harness clip from the right side engine mount.
17. Remove the power steering reservoir from mounting position and set aside. Do not disconnect hose.
18. Disconnect ground strap from rear of cylinder head.
19. Disconnect Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor and ignition coil electrical connectors.
20. Disconnect the fuel injector electrical harness connector and disengage clip from support bracket.
21. Disconnect camshaft and crankshaft position sensor electrical connectors.
22. Evacuate air conditioning system.
23. Disconnect A/C compressor electrical connector.
24. Disconnect the A/C lines from compressor. Cover and seal all openings of hoses and compressor.
25. Remove the radiator upper hose.
26. Disengage electrical harness clip at transaxle dipstick tube.
27. Remove transaxle dipstick tube. Seal opening using a suitable plug.
NOTE: When the transaxle cooler lines are removed from the rolled-groove type fittings at the transaxle, damage to the inner wall of the hose will occur. To prevent prevent potential leakage, the cooler hoses must be cut off flush at the transaxle fitting, and a service cooler hose splice kit must be installed upon reassembly.
28. Using a blade or suitable hose cutter, cut transaxle oil cooler lines off flush with fittings. Plug cooler lines and fittings to prevent debris from entering transaxle or cooler circuit. A service splice kit will be installed upon reassembly.
29. Disconnect transaxle shift linkage and electrical connectors.
30. Raise vehicle on hoist and drain the engine oil.
31. Remove the axle shafts.
32. Remove crossmember cradle plate (Fig. 6).
33. AWD equipped: Remove the Power Transfer Unit (PTU).
34. Disconnect exhaust pipe from the manifold (Fig. 7).
35. Remove front engine mount and bracket as an assembly.
36. Remove the engine rear mount bracket.
37. Remove the engine to transaxle struts (Fig. 8).
38. Remove transaxle case cover (Fig. 8).
39. Remove flex plate to torque converter bolts. Mark torque converter to flex plate for orientation for reassembly.
40. Remove the power steering pressure hose support clip attaching bolt.
41. Disconnect the knock sensor electrical connector (3.8L only).
42. Disconnect the engine block heater electrical connector (if equipped).
43. Remove the accessory belt splash shield.
44. Remove accessory drive belt.
45. Disconnect the radiator lower hose.
46. Remove air conditioning compressor from engine.
47. Remove the generator.
48. Remove the water pump pulley attaching bolts and position pulley between pump hub and housing.
49. Disconnect the oil pressure switch electrical connector.
50. Disconnect wiring harness support clip from engine oil dipstick tube.
51. Install Special Tools 6912 and 8444 Adapters on the right side (rear) of engine block (Fig. 9).
52. Lower the vehicle.
53. Remove the power steering pump and set aside.
54. Raise vehicle enough to allow engine dolly Special Tool 6135 and cradle Special Tool 6710 with post Special Tool 6848 and adaptor Special Tool 6909 to be installed under vehicle (Fig. 12).
55. Loosen cradle/post mounts to allow movement for positioning posts into locating holes on the engine (Fig. 10) and (Fig. 11). Slowly lower vehicle and position cradle/post mounts until the engine is resting on posts. Tighten all cradle/post mounts to cradle frame. This will keep mounts from moving when removing or installing engine and transmission.
56. Lower vehicle so the weight of ONLY THE ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION is on the cradle.
57. Install and secure the safety straps to the cradle fixture and around the engine (Fig. 12).
58. Remove the engine right side mount to engine attaching bolts (Fig. 13).
59. Remove the left mount through bolt (Fig. 14).
60. Raise vehicle slowly. It is necessary to move the engine/transmission assembly with the dolly to allow for removal around body flanges.
1. Position engine and transmission assembly under vehicle. Slowly lower the vehicle down over the engine and transmission. It is necessary to move the engine/transmission assembly with the dolly for clearance around body flanges.
2. Align engine and transmission mounts to attaching points. Install mounting bolts at the right engine mount (Fig. 13) and left transmission mount (Fig. 14).
3. Remove the safety straps from around engine.
4. Slowly raise vehicle enough to remove the engine dolly and cradle Special Tools 6135, 6710, 6848 and 6909 (Fig. 12).
5. Remove Special Tools 6912 and 8444 (Fig. 9).
6. Lower the vehicle.
7. Install power steering pump and pressure line support.
8. Install the generator and wiring harness.
9. Raise vehicle.
10. Attach wiring harness support clip to the engine oil dipstick tube.
11. Connect oil pressure switch electrical connector.
12. Install the A/C compressor.
13. Install the water pump pulley.
14. Connect the radiator lower hose.
15. Install the accessory drive belt and splash shield.
16. Connect the engine block heater electrical connector (if equipped).
17. Connect the knock sensor electrical connector (3.8L only).
18. Install the torque converter to flex plate bolts.
19. Install the transaxle case cover (Fig. 8).
20. Install the powertrain struts (Fig. 8).
21. Install the engine rear mount bracket.
22. Install the engine front mount and bracket assembly.
23. AWD equipped; Install the Power Transfer Unit (PTU).
24. Install the axle shafts.
25. Connect exhaust pipe to manifold (Fig. 7).
26. Install crossmember cradle plate (Fig. 6).
27. Lower vehicle.
28. Connect transaxle shift linkage.
29. Connect transaxle electrical connectors.
30. Remove plugs from transmission cooler hoses and install transaxle oil cooler line service splice kit. Refer to instructions included with kit.
31. Install transaxle dipstick tube and attach electrical harness clip.
32. Connect the A/C lines to compressor.
33. Connect the A/C compressor electrical connector.
34. Evacuate and recharge A/C system.
35. Connect crankshaft and camshaft position sensors.
36. Connect the fuel injector electrical harness connector and engage clip to support bracket.
37. Connect Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor and ignition coil electrical connectors.
38. Connect the ground strap to rear of cylinder head.
39. Install power steering reservoir.
40. Engage wire harness clip to engine right side mount.
41. Connect the brake booster and speed control vacuum hoses.
42. Connect the vacuum hoses to the throttle body.
43. Connect the EGR transducer electrical connector (if equipped).
44. Connect the TPS, IAC, and MAP sensor electrical connectors.
45. Connect throttle cables to throttle body.
46. Install the radiator fans.
47. Connect the radiator upper hose.
48. Connect the heater hoses. Remove pinch-off pliers from the rear heater hoses (if equipped).
49. Install the radiator upper support crossmember.
50. Install the wiper module.
51. Connect the fuel line to fuel rail.
52. Install the air cleaner and hoses.
53. Install new oil filter. Fill engine crankcase with proper oil to correct level.
54. Connect negative cable to battery.
55. Fill the cooling system.
56. Start engine and run until operating temperature is reached.
57. Adjust transmission linkage, if necessary.