Charging System: Description and Operation
CHARGING SYSTEMThe charging system consists of:
- Battery Temperature Sensor (BTS) circuitry within the Powertrain Control Module (PCM)
- Generator
- Decoupler Pulley (If equipped)
- Electronic Voltage Regulator (EVR) circuitry within the PCM
- Ignition switch (refer to the Ignition System section for information)
- Battery (refer to the Battery section for information)
- Inlet Air Temperature (calculated battery temperature)
- Voltmeter (refer to the Instrument Cluster section for information if equipped)
- Wiring harness and connections (refer to the Wiring section for information)
- Accessory drive belt (refer to the Cooling section for more information)
The charging system is turned ON and OFF with the ignition switch. The system is ON when the engine is running and the ASD relay is energized. The ASD relay is energized when the PCM grounds the ASD control circuit. This voltage is connected through the PCM or IPM (intelligent power module) (if equipped) and supplied to one of the generator field terminals (Gen. Source +) at the back of the generator.
The generator is driven by the engine through a serpentine belt and pulley or decoupler pulley arrangement.
The amount of DC current produced by the generator is controlled by the EVR (field control) circuitry contained within the PCM. This circuitry is connected in series with the second rotor field terminal and ground.
An Inlet air temperature sensor is used to calculate the temperature near the battery. This temperature data, along with data from monitored line voltage (battery voltage sense circuit), is used by the PCM to vary the battery charging rate. This is done by cycling the ground path to control the strength of the rotor magnetic field. The PCM then compensates and regulates generator current output accordingly to maintain system voltage at the targeted system voltage based on battery temperature.
All vehicles are equipped with On-Board Diagnostics (OBD). All OBD-sensed systems, including EVR (field control) circuitry, are monitored by the PCM. Each monitored circuit is assigned a Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC). The PCM will store a DTC in electronic memory for certain failures it detects and illuminate the (MIL) lamp. Refer to On-Board Diagnostics in the Electronic Control Modules (Refer to ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC CONTROL MODULES/POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE - DESCRIPTION) section for more DTC information.
The Check Gauges Lamp (if equipped) or Battery Lamp monitors: charging system voltage, engine coolant temperature and engine oil pressure. If an extreme condition is indicated, the lamp will be illuminated. The signal to activate the lamp is sent via the PCI bus circuits. The lamp is located on the instrument panel. Refer to the Instrument Cluster section for additional information.
The PCM uses the inlet air temperature sensor to control the charge system voltage. This temperature, along with data from monitored line voltage, is used by the PCM to vary the battery charging rate. The system voltage is higher at cold temperatures and is gradually reduced as the calculated battery temperature increases.
The ambient temperature sensor is used to control the battery voltage based upon ambient temperature (approximation of battery temperature). The PCM maintains the optimal output of the generator by monitoring battery voltage and controlling it to a range of 13.5 - 14.7 volts based on battery temperature.
The PCM incorporates a Battery Temperature Sensor (BTS) on its circuit board.
The PCM uses the temperature of the battery area to control the charge system voltage. This temperature, along with data from monitored line voltage, is used by the PCM to vary the battery charging rate. The system voltage is higher at cold temperatures and is gradually reduced as temperature around the battery increases.
The ambient temperature sensor is used to control the battery voltage based upon ambient temperature (approximation of battery temperature). The PCM maintains the optimal output of the generator by monitoring battery voltage and controlling it to a range of 13.5 - 14.7 volts based on battery temperature.
The battery temperature sensor is also used for OBD II diagnostics. Certain faults and OBD II monitors are either enabled or disabled depending upon the battery temperature sensor input (example: disable purge and EGR, enable LDP). Most OBD II monitors are disabled below 20 °F.
The generator is belt-driven by the engine. It is serviced only as a complete assembly. The generator produces DC voltage at the B+ terminal. If the generator is failed, the generator assembly subcomponents (generator and decoupler pulley) must be inspected for individual failure and replaced accordingly.
As the energized rotor begins to rotate within the generator, the spinning magnetic field induces a current into the windings of the stator coil. Once the generator begins producing sufficient current, it also provides the current needed to energize the rotor.
The Y type stator winding connections deliver the induced AC current to 3 positive and 3 negative diodes for rectification. From the diodes, rectified DC current is delivered to the vehicles electrical system through the generator, battery, and ground terminals.
Excessive or abnormal noise emitting from the generator may be caused by:
- Worn, loose or defective bearings
- Loose or defective drive pulley (2.4L) or decoupler (3.3/3.8L)
- Incorrect, worn, damaged or misadjusted drive belt
- Loose mounting bolts
- Misaligned drive pulley
- Defective stator or diode
- Damaged internal fins
Fig.4 Generator Decoupler 3.3/3.8L:
The Generator Decoupler is a one way clutch (Fig 4). It is attached to the generator and replaces the standard pulley. It is a non-serviceable item and is to be replaced as an assembly. It is a dry operation (no grease or lubricants). The operation of it is not temperature sensitive and has a low sensitivity to electrical load.
The generator decoupler is a one way clutch and should be replaced as an assembly. It is designed to help reduce belt tension fluctuation, reduce fatigue loads, improve belt life, reduce hubloads on components, and reduce noise.
The Electronic Voltage Regulator (EVR) is not a separate component. It is actually a voltage regulating circuit located within the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). The EVR is not serviced separately If replacement is necessary the PCM must be replaced.
The amount of DC current produced by the generator is controlled by EVR circuitry contained within the PCM. This circuitry is connected in series with the generators second rotor field terminal and its ground.
Voltage is regulated by cycling the ground path to control the strength of the rotor magnetic field. The EVR circuitry monitors system line voltage (B+) and calculated battery temperature or inlet air temperature sensor (refer to Inlet Air Temperature Sensor, if equipped, for more information ). It then determines a target charging voltage. If sensed battery voltage is lower than the target voltage, the PCM grounds the field winding until sensed battery voltage is at the target voltage. A circuit in the PCM cycles the ground side of the generator field at 250 times per second (250Hz), but has the capability to ground the field control wire 100% of the time (full field) to achieve the target voltage. If the charging rate cannot be monitored (limp-in), a duty cycle of 25% is used by the PCM in order to have some generator output. Also refer to Charging System Operation for additional information.