Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Part 1


NOTE: If transaxle is being overhauled (clutch and/or seal replacement) or replaced, it is necessary to perform the PCM/TCM Quick Learn Procedure.

NOTE: This procedure does not include final drive (differential) disassembly.

1. Remove input and output speed sensors.
2. Remove three (3) solenoid/pressure switch assembly-to-case bolts.

3. Remove solenoid/pressure switch assembly and gasket (Fig. 20).

4. Remove oil pan-to-case bolts (Fig. 21).

5. Remove oil pan (Fig. 22).

6. Remove oil filter (Fig. 23).
7. Turn manual valve fully clock-wise to get park rod into position for removal.

8. Remove valve body-to-case bolts (Fig. 24).

CAUTION: Do not handle the valve body assembly from the manual valve. Damage can result.

9. Using a screwdriver, push park rod rollers away from guide bracket (Fig. 25) and remove valve body assembly (Fig. 26).

NOTE: Depending on engine application, some accumulators will have two springs and others will have one spring. The springs are color-coded according to application and year. When disassembling, mark accumulator spring location to ease assembly.

10. Remove underdrive and overdrive accumulators (Fig. 27).

11. Remove low/reverse accumulator snap ring (Fig. 28).

12. Remove low/reverse accumulator plug (Fig. 29).

13. Remove low/reverse accumulator piston using suitable pliers (Fig. 30). Remove piston and springs (Fig. 31).

14. Measure input shaft end play. Place transaxle so input shaft is vertical. Set up end play set and dial indicator as shown in (Fig. 32). Input shaft end play should be within 0.13 - 0.64 mm (0.005 - 0.025 inch) If outside of this range, a #4 thrust plate change is required. Record indicator reading for reference upon reassembly.

15. Remove oil pump-to-case bolts (Fig. 33).

CAUTION: Be sure input speed sensor is removed before removing oil pump.

16. Install pullers Tool C-3752 as shown in (Fig. 34).

17. Remove oil pump assembly (Fig. 35) (Fig. 36).

18. Remove oil pump gasket (Fig. 37).

CAUTION: If transaxle failure has occurred, the cooler bypass valve must be replaced. Do not re-use or attempt to clean valve.

19. Remove cooler bypass valve (Fig. 38).

20. Remove #1 needle bearing (Fig. 39).

21. Remove input clutch assembly (Fig. 40).

22. Remove #4 thrust plate (Fig. 41).

23. Remove front sun gear assembly and #4 thrust washer (Fig. 42).

24. Remove front carrier/rear annulus assembly and #6 needle bearing (Fig. 43).

25. Remove rear sun gear and #7 needle bearing (Fig. 44).

NOTE: The number 7 needle bearing has three antireversal tabs and is common with the number five and number two position. The orientation should allow the bearing to seat flat against the rear sun gear (Fig. 45). A small amount of petrolatum can be used to hold the bearing to the rear sun gear.

26. Setup tool 5058 as shown in (Fig. 46). Compress 2/4 clutch return spring Oust enough to remove snap ring) and remove snap ring.

NOTE: Verify that Tool 5058 is centered properly over the 2/4 clutch retainer before compressing. If necessary, fasten the 5058 bar to the bellhousing flange with any combination of locking pliers and bolts to center the tool properly.

NOTE: The 2/4 Clutch Piston has bonded seals which are not individually serviceable. Seal replacement requires replacement of the piston assembly.

27. Remove 2/4 clutch retainer (Fig. 47).

28. Remove 2/4 clutch return spring (Fig. 48).

29. Remove 2/4 clutch pack (Fig. 49). Tag 2/4 clutch pack for reassembly identification.

30. Remove tapered snap ring (Fig. 50).