Shroud - Lower
1. Remove the two shroud-to-shroud mounting screws fastening the upper to lower shrouds (Fig. 32).
2. Using hands on each side of the column, gently press inward at seams between the two shrouds at points of contact to disengage inner locking tabs.
3. Remove the lower shroud-to-column mounting screw (Fig. 33).
4. If equipped with adjustable pedals, disconnect the wiring connector for the switch (Fig. 34).
5. Remove the lower shroud from the steering column.
6. If equipped with adjustable pedals, depress the retaining tabs on the switch and remove the switch from the lower shroud (Fig. 34).
1. If the vehicle is equipped with adjustable pedals:
a. Pass the wiring through the mounting hole and install the switch into the lower shroud (Fig. 34), snapping it into place.
b. Connect the switch wiring connector to the column wiring harness.
2. Position the lower shroud under the steering column and install the lower shroud-to-column mounting screw (Fig. 33). Tighten the screw to 2 Nm (17 inch lbs.) torque.
3. Align the upper shroud with the lower, then snap shrouds together at locking tab locations on both sides of column.
4. Install the two shroud-to-shroud mounting screws (Fig. 32). Tighten the screws to 2 Nm (17 inch lbs.) torque.
5. Inspect shroud mating surfaces for excessive gaps and correct as necessary.
6. Check operation of any previously disconnected switches.